Today I want to tell you about how to make your life to be happy - TopicsExpress


Today I want to tell you about how to make your life to be happy and a good healthy because you are my friends.I want to be a long life and live like so happy. -Going out with your friends can be as heart-healthy as hitting the gym. Lonely people who do not communicate with their friends a lot had 10-30 points higher blood pressure than their more sociable peers. -We cannot avoid all stressful situations in our life but we can prepare for them. Make it a rule to think of one positive thing in your life whenever stressful thoughts start creeping into your head or carry a list of things that you are grateful for. Another idea is to have a few pictures of the happiest moments of your life or people who always bring happiness in your life with you. -Meditation calms your mind and your heart at the same time. Practice it daily or at least 3 times a week. -Giving, working, helping, taking care of others are all honorable missions but you need some time for yourself. Do not consider it pampering or selfishness. This is your chance to get reacquainted with yourself and to have some rest from the world around you (no matter how wonderful it might be.) -Being in the “always-ready” condition is very stressful. Let somebody else take care of the kids, order a take-out (not more than twice a month, remember?), take a day off at work and let yourself completely relax. Your heart will enjoy this break from your busy lifestyle. LOVE IS MY LIFE AND LOVE IS ALL MY LIFE LOVE ALL MONG.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Nov 2014 04:19:05 +0000

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