Today I was tagged to do 10 things about myself that not a lot of - TopicsExpress


Today I was tagged to do 10 things about myself that not a lot of people know so here it goes... 1. I have pencil lead still stuck in the back of my right knee from Randy Johnson in Mrs. Spiveys 5th grade class. 2. Despite earning a 4.0 gpa at both colleges I have attended, I barely graduated high school. I skipped so much school my senior year that I ended up having to go to Saturday school and after-school detention to make up the hours so I could graduate a semester early. I was working full time my senior year and was just over the whole high school experience. 3. I have subconsciously known since I was 5 years old that I wanted to be a funeral director. I am extremely organized and detailed oriented, love helping others, and preferred to walk around Grapevine Cemetery than play at the park while growing up, asked where the morgue was at Grapevine Hospital was during a Girl Scout trip, and prank called J.E. Foust & Sons Funeral Home at a slumber party with Jennifer Tate pretending that someone had died because I wanted to know the kinds of questions they would ask. Strange I know! 4. I once almost licked a cherry Starburst wrapper off the bathroom floor at Target during my 7th month of pregnancy because it smelled SO GOOD! I didnt even pick it up off the floor but due to my super-human sense of smell and strange cravings, nothing had ever looked to good to me. I am happy to report that I resisted the urge and immediately headed to the candy section once I was finished. :-) 5. I am actually quite introverted. I experience anxiety when you have to go around the room and introduce yourself and say where you are from. 6. This one might come as a shock to my mother, Paula St Julien. When I was 14 and had my friend Patricia spend the night, I convinced her I knew how to drive a stick shift because I had done it before. We waited for my mom to go to bed and then we were going to go joy ride around Grapevine. I put it in reverse, backed out of the space, and then spent the next 20 minutes trying to get it into first gear without killing it. We eventually had to push the car back into the parking spot and went inside to watch a movie. 7. I hate wearing socks and would be content wearing flip flops all year round. When I was pregnant during the winter and my feet would no longer fit in my shoes, I wore them while it was 20 degrees outside. 8. I still keep in touch with my first and second grade teachers, Billie Ebersole and Sandra Jake, who both were, and still are tremendous influences in my life. 9. I am a sap for cheesy 80s love songs. I love Air Supply and cant believe I just admitted that :-D 10. In mid 2010, I went to visit a psychic in the Boston area who accurately told me that I would finally get pregnant in the middle of the summer of 2011 and would have twins. She said we would have a boy and girl, lose the boy and then have another girl. When I became pregnant July 4, 2011, I was terrified of losing one of the babies. Initially we were told by my OB that she thought we were having a boy and a girl, which only freaked me out even more, and then found out 4 weeks later it was 2 girls :-)
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 01:35:37 +0000

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