Today, January 6, 2015 ~ The Epiphany ~ (Spiritual Alchemy) - TopicsExpress


Today, January 6, 2015 ~ The Epiphany ~ (Spiritual Alchemy) The 12 days after Christmas celebrate the Festival of Light and Rebirth. The last day ends on January 6, the Epiphany or the Manifestation of the Christ/Cosmic Consciousness. On that day, the three wise men or ‘magi’ came to the Christ Child with their gifts. Magi is a title given to the Masters of the Zoroastrian Tradition. They believed that Jesus was the new reincarnation of their prophet Zoroaster; they followed the signs like the Buddhist lamas that go in search of the new reincarnated Dalai Lama. In the Ancient Mystery Schools of Initiation, the Epiphany was associated with the spiritual birth achieved by all the initiates who overcame ‘The Dark Night of the Soul,’ and were reborn into the Great Mysteries of Light. Spiritual rebirth is associated with the 4th Initiation and the 4th Chakra, the heart. The Dark Night of the Soul is a crisis due to a dark psychological phase we must all pass through on our spiritual journey. Although, it can be an illumined experience as well. For some, the Dark Night can last longer than others. It depends on ones willingness to cooperate with the requirements of the Soul. We live in momentous and extraordinary times of unprecedented change and accelerate transformation. Spiritual Alchemy of The Wheel of Time is essential to maintain balance and harmony within us, with Nature and the Universe. Also, reflect on the picture to discover the constellation the Epiphany is associated with. If you would like more information on the Wheel of Time, please see my website. Thank you. atoneforever
Posted on: Tue, 06 Jan 2015 17:44:50 +0000

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