Today, November 2nd, marks the Balfour Decelerations which is by - TopicsExpress


Today, November 2nd, marks the Balfour Decelerations which is by all means the original NAKBAH, Mr. Masalha calls for the UK to acknowledge its historical responsibility which had a disastrous consequences of Zionist settlement in Palestine and over 6 decades of catastrophes, Nakba was not of incident, one event, every day has been a Nakba The Balfour Declaration of 2 November 1917 was central to the wartime British-Zionist alliance and a powerful Zionist-Jewish propaganda tool. Publicly the British establishment chooses a neutral position on Palestine which often takes the form of silence or selective amnesia. In view of Britains historic responsibility for the Palestinian catastrophe, there can be no such neutrality or indifference about the injustice in Palestine. ~ Nur Masalha Today we mourn and remember the tens of thousands of Palestinian homes demolished by Zionist terror gangs. We mourn and remember the warm ancient houses, the beautiful herb gardens, the historical squares and arches made into rubble by the Zionist terror gangs. We mourn and remember the green meadows turned into ashes, the uprooted millions of olive trees, apple trees, apricot trees, carobs, fig trees, orange trees. We mourn and remember the harvest stolen by the Zionist terror gangs while Palestinians were left to starve. We mourn and remember the Palestinians groves stolen and proclaimed as “Zionist miracle of making the desert bloom”. The Balfour Project seeks to mark the centenary of the Balfour Declaration by: acknowledgement of Britain’s actions at the time of the Balfour Declaration and throughout the Mandate, and particularly the deceit surrounding our nation’s true intentions; pardon for our nation’s wrongdoing - from Palestinians for having intentionally ignored their legitimate aspirations and from Jews for our part in the centuries of anti-Semitism. integrity in our nation’s future dealings with Jews, Palestinians, and all peoples. Read Nur Maralha article here; middleeastmonitor/articles/guest-writers/7138-powerful-symbols-and-the-british-zionist-alliance-approaching-the-centenary-of-the-belfour-declaration
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 18:15:29 +0000

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