Today Sri KK sir posted in his timeline a photo with a call for - TopicsExpress


Today Sri KK sir posted in his timeline a photo with a call for joint prayer. Sri Sanjay Thampi asked many questions on the statement and there ensued a good conversation. We post it here for common reading. Nature is the concrete form of God and God is the abstract form of nature. Let us Pray for being soft to people in Vizag and other coastal districts, while scrutinizing the karma of the beings. The law provides for condonation.- Krishnan Kartha. Hiroko Ueyama: A great discussion revealing many things, thanks Sanjay for asking and thanks Krishnan Kartha for answering them with great care and precision. Under the circumstances, with the hurricane in East India on cards, the dialogue was thought provoking. Thanks once more. Sanjay Thampi if it is made soft now by prayers, will it be over by this...?? Or will it strikes heavily next time in yet another form...?? anyway it has to undergo; else there must be someone to take care of it. Is it so..?? 2 hrs · Like · 1 Krishnan Kartha You are right Sanjay , there must be someone to take care of it. That someone can be some people. The will of the people in their heart can change the fury. Unity is strength here. It can thus be softened. And there will be no residue of karma as you doubt here, since the causes leading to the consequence get distributed. It means, if the prayer is successful there wont be hidden attacks with part of the left out misery. It will be over for ever. Until Man gathers more causes to irritate the Nature. 2 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 Krishnan Kartha Mind can work wonders, Sanjay Thampi 2 hrs · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi sir, do u mean that more powerful the will, less furious will be the attack. If the prayer is successful there wont be ... does it means that there must be two things which are vital; firstly the will and the prayers to prevent the recurrent attacks. Can it be summed up like this: A determined will (wills) coupled with successful prayers can avoid a fury by ruling out a mere possibility of it recurrent attacks; until him (them) gathers more causes by passage of time which compels nature to maintain the balance...????? 2 hrs · Like Krishnan Kartha The prayer is nothing other than will focussed to one own inner self. The lesser Me telling to the Cosmic Me. Now you may go through my word once again, you may stand corrected. 2 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 Krishnan Kartha The one who is in harmony with the nature decides and and who has not yet reached that state requests. That is all 2 hrs · Edited · Like · 2 Krishnan Kartha Harmony with the Nature is otherwise called enlightenment. 2 hrs · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi now it is clear what actually prayer is..!! it is quiet obvious that if there is someone who is capable to decide, then it is less important if someone requests or not. But sir, i have heard u saying that an enlightened being (who is capable to decide) will be in harmony with nature and will not interfere with the usual business of nature. is that correct. If that statement is correct; then the we have hope in requests (because those who are capable of deciding will always be a witness of the affairs of nature) 2 hrs · Edited · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi the cyclone is reported to be very destructive.. 2 hrs · Like Krishnan Kartha Sanjay, as you pointed out, those who can decide seldom do it. Because they dont want to interfere with business of the nature. But ,interestingly, they may request, just like any other fellow being, since they have the liberty to do so. Since nobody else understands their position, they are not confusing anybody. Jesus, being the Christ , prayed to forgive those who had tortured him on the Cross. Who is forgiving them, ? Jesus himself. no? 1 hr · Edited · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi if they request, their request will not be an ordinary request. (as Rahul gandhi placing requests before the party). There will be only one option and that is to fulfill that request. That is a decision done (executed) in the form of a request. The only difference is that the people around will not be confused. 1 hr · Like · 1 Krishnan Kartha Yes that is right. So let us request then.... Athatho Dharma Jijnaasa as the Meemamsa starts, let us learn about the dharma... 1 hr · Edited · Like · 1 Krishnan Kartha Sanjay Thampi , Buddhist and jain doctrines proclaim that Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah , Non vioence is the ultimate righteousness or duty. Now you may re learn the entire conversation with this proclamation in mind. You will understand what is Param Dharma, the ultimate duty... It can be identified as the doing; of the enlightened , the param jeevi, the supreme being. And he just does not interfere. This is the supreme non violence. and not what we usually believe as non killing... 1 hr · Like Sanjay Thampi Ahimsa is defined. Suppose if a supreme being starts to interfere or breaks the cardinal principals of enlightenment., what will happen..?? Jesus has made a paralyzed person walk, has resurrected lazar, converted water into wine...!! all these are intervention into the affairs of nature. what will be the result if an enlightened persons comes in rage with the nature and start to challenge nature..??? 1 hr · Like Krishnan Kartha In that case the enlightened being accepts suffering himself. he welcomes pain. 1 hr · Edited · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi is there an option available with the supreme being that he can avoid sufferings even if he intervenes with the business of nature by challenging it..?? Since he challenge the nature; in every occasion he need not accept the sufferings. Is there an option available for him to avoid that..?? 1 hr · Like Krishnan Kartha Such a thought comes to one in bondage. Not to one in liberty. 1 hr · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi enlightened means (as i think) that one has climbed the peak with much pain and dedication and saw the ultimate beauty. so an enlightened person shall never be carried away by a bondage since he knows it very well. If he does something, it must be out of benevolence and in vice-verse. Still there is a possibility that like a genius in the wrong way, so does an enlightened in the wrong way. Can it be ruled out..?? Can a being become a supreme enlightened being in the wrong way...?? 57 mins · Like Krishnan Kartha You have mistaken. The one who is in bondage is the one who refuses to be enlightened. The one who is in liberty means the one who is enlightened. ... so as you fear, the enlightened never carries with him the bondage or anything... I would make it once more clear... The question of yours was whether there is any chance for the enlightened to evade pain... And my answer was that such a thought never comes to a an enlightened since he sees pain and pleasure as two sides of the coin called Bliss..... 52 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi Sir, as u said ..In that case the enlightened being accepts suffering himself. he welcomes pain... whenever the enlightened being interfere with the affairs of nature out of benevolence, he accepts sufferings himself. He welcomes pain as he sees it as nothing but the other side of pleasure. I remember, earlier u have said that an enlightened being seldom interfere with the affairs of nature and he prefers to be harmonious with it. Sir.., my doubt is.., can we rule-out the possibility that a being after getting enlightened, engage in continuous interference with the affairs of nature and sits back and enjoying the pain..?? 35 mins · Like Krishnan Kartha you cannot rule out Sanjay , there can be such people. 32 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi u are confusing me..!!! 31 mins · Like Krishnan Kartha A Master postpones his suffering to the eve of his life. In fact he enjoys the eve better than a bound one.To others around, he is suffering .To him ,as you said he is enjoying 30 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi Sir, I am asking whether YOU can rule-out that possibility..????? 30 mins · Like Krishnan Kartha why confusion? 30 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi Sir, U have said that u cannot rule out Sanjay. there can be such people.. If such people are there, i.e., enlightened being going against the cardinal principle (harmony with the nature). for them if or not they interfere, the result will be enjoyment. true..?? 22 mins · Like Krishnan Kartha yes. Of Pain. 20 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi enlightened being can play with the nature or play against the nature or can remain as a witness; with their karma intact..!! if they play against, they will suffer rather enjoy. the more u interfere; the most u will enjoy..?? 18 mins · Like · 1 Krishnan Kartha yes. Interference is a commission. Commission of Cause or Karma.It will have consequences. 17 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi is there any difference between joyful enjoyment and painful enjoyment..?? 17 mins · Like · 1 Krishnan Kartha You will understand this once you experience at least a physical pleasure fully. 16 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi Sir, is there any difference between joyful enjoyment and painful enjoyment for an enlightened being....?? I mean will one distinguish with the other..!! 13 mins · Like · 1 Krishnan Kartha Distinction is delusion. The enlightened is dwanthaatheetha the one beyond duality. Equanimity is his nature. So he wont distinguish. 11 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi Sir., I want further clarification Interference is a commission. Commission of Cause or Karma.It will have consequences... shall we resume the talk from here in ur physical presence..?? 10 mins · Like Krishnan Kartha of course why not? 10 mins · Like · 1 Krishnan Kartha Tuesday. 10 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi thank u sir 9 mins · Like Sanjay Thampi ok 9 mins · Like Krishnan Kartha Thanks 9 mins · Like · 1 Sanjay Thampi u r welcome 9 mins · Like Hiroko Ueyama A great discussion revealing many things, thanks Sanjay for asking and thanks Krishnan Kartha for answering them with great care and precision. Under the circumstances, with the hurricane in East India on cards, the dialogue was thought provoking. Thanks once more.
Posted on: Sun, 12 Oct 2014 06:28:17 +0000

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