Today . . . Sunday, November 10 is a day of REMEMBRANCE. It is - TopicsExpress


Today . . . Sunday, November 10 is a day of REMEMBRANCE. It is the day that Europe (Germany and Austria) stepped beyond the pale of humanity, decency . . . and into the world of beastly brutality. IT BEGAN ON SEPTEMBER 15, 1935 WITH THE NUREMBERG LAWS: On this date, in the German City of Nuremberg, every Jew in Germany was disenfranchised. It was the beginning of the end. And even with this most public display of Jew-HATRED, the rest of the world turned their backs on Germanay’s Jews, including Canada and the United States of America. THE HOLOCAUST “REALLY” BEGAN ON NOVEMBER 9, 1938: The NIGHT of the “BROKEN GLASS” . . . KRISTALLNACHT – began on the NINTH of November, raging through the night ‘til the small hours of the TENTH, where nearly ONE THOUSAND Synagogues were torched, THOUSANDS of Jewish businesses sacked, THOUSANDS of Jews dragged from their homes and beaten on the streets. Nearly ONE HUNDRED Jews were murdered in cold blood, an unknown number of Jewish girls and women were raped, and hundreds were shipped off to Concentration Camps for no reason, other than they were Jews who might in the near future not go quietly into the night. And even after these two State Sponsored Nights of horrors and rampage in Germany and Austria, the world still turned a cold shoulder and a blind eye to the plight of Jews, refusing to grant them any sanctuary . . . Canada and the USA included. TOMORROW IS A DAY OF MEMORY THROUGHOUT THE WESTERN WORLD: At ELEVEN O’clock on November the ELEVENTH, Anne and I will be standing at my parents’ Gravesite paying both of them the respect they’ve earned and deserve for their service under uniform to FREEDOM during World War Two. My DAD served from the very beginning of the war with great DISTINCTION and HEROISM Above and Beyond the Call of Duty. He was named repeatedly in Dispatches. And was awarded many Commendations INCLUDING the Bronze Lion from Her Majesty Queen Wilhelmina of the Netherlands. While the planning of D-DAY was in the works, my DAD had already stormed the Beaches of Sicily, fighting his way up the “BOOT”, to where he was wounded at Monte Casino, yet still continued to fight. April 18, 1942 . . . American HEROES showed what their generation was made of. A few days before Remembrance Day in Canada, called Veteran’s Day in America, this past Saturday (November 8, 2013), three of the four surviving DOOLITTLE RAIDERS drank their final toast to their unbelievable achievement over Tokyo, by opening the 1896 Bottle of Cognac given to Doolittle himself, as a gesture of appreciation for what he and his men did. It brought more than just a tear or two to my eyes, seeing these AGED-HEROES drink from their prized possession . . . bringing yet another facet of an incomparable era of PRIDE, COMMITMENT, PATRIOTISM AND COURAGE to an end. WHERE ARE THE HEROES TODAY?
Posted on: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 07:01:26 +0000

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