Today brings another energy into play in our existence on this - TopicsExpress


Today brings another energy into play in our existence on this plane. From the Equinox to Rosh Hashanah (the day of new beginnings) to the day that Celebrates Obatala in the Yourba religion, to its translated entity of the Afro Christian from the Catholic religion; The day of Our Lady of Mercy ….Virgen de Las Mercedes. ENERGY IS MANIFESTED IN MANY FORMS AND IT IS ON THIS DAY, IN THIS TIME …. ALL OF IT SHOULD UNITE US! For the Yoruba people and the tribes dispersed around the world, Obàtálá is the creator of human bodies and owner of all ori or heads. This stems from the belief that the soul resides in the head. Obatala (king of White Cloth - signifying Purity) is energy is the essence of Clarity. Within the myriad of kaleidoscopic energies that comprise our universe, the energy of Clarity is critically important. It is Clarity that allows us to make the right decisions, to differentiate right from wrong and perhaps most importantly, to see other energies as they truly are! In all the tales, or pataki, of Obatala, the meaning is designed to illuminate this reality. Obatala encourages us to be patient and to handle matters with calm and reason. His ashé (power) is perfectly embodied within his favorite color: white. He is always dressed in white and all of his offerings are white to reflect his spiritual purity and the coolness of his energy. White is one of the most sacred colors in most religions. It is the color of protection, it is the color of God. That is why in many religions and services, we attend ceremonies wearing white clothing as holy vestments and to surround ourselves with protective energy. In our Christian Belief, the virgin also appears in white on this day and her cloth and veil protects mankind. She is Pure and brings clarity to mind to her devotees. in Astrology and as in Science the Equinox, today The Day and Night is equal and is the the day Sun transits from Virgo into Libra. This is an auspicious day that is celebrated by many cultures. A time when traditions of the past and present align, as the Earth orbits around the Sun and time as we measure it, is equal in duration. It is a time balanced in perfect harmony on the scales of, feminine and masculine, Yin and Yang, material and spiritual, compassion and judgment. Equality, receptivity and reciprocity reign today. It is no coincidence that days ago in the Hindu faith is celebrated the highest of all days …Ganesha Chaturthi (गणेश चतुर्थी) is the Hindu festival celebrated in honour of the god Ganesha, the elephant-headed, remover of obstacles and the god of beginnings and wisdom. The God of Clarity! MY POINT OF EXTENDING THIS KNOWLEDGE IS FOR ALL TO SEE; We are connected through centuries of stories, fables, passages …. all cloaked in similarities, all told to help us achieve our most high. Judge not the deliverer of a message sent from the most high, know that energy is what binds us, what drives us and what lasts for ever. Energy is Pure, Clear, it is what we are. And all knowledge stems from this! It matters less what you physically bow before and more what we bow from above! From our existing, from our being, from the beginning of time, we are energy! AND We are ONE energy, THAT IS WHAT IS CLEAR ..... WE ARE DRIVEN BY ONE HIGHER PURPOSE TO EXIST AND TO EXIST IN HARMONY- BALANCE- CLARITY that is how we survive, that is what brings us all together…...and that will never, ever change! So from all the powers that be, from where ever your message comes from ...... Take today .... to renew, to clarify, to bring forth your highest energy vibrations and share them with one and all!
Posted on: Wed, 24 Sep 2014 15:15:51 +0000

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