Today has been a real nightmare day for Fiona. Half way through - TopicsExpress


Today has been a real nightmare day for Fiona. Half way through her Asheldham 777 Quest she was booked to see a GP to have an ECG and blood test in preparation for the race she plans to do next month (the organisers insist on an ECG etc for insurance purposes). Having taken the tests the GP refused to sign Fiona’s papers off as “fit” as she had never seen results like it before. We know Fiona is very fit, but her pulse of just 33 beats per minute had the GP alarmed, and the ECG results were off the scale and the GP said that they indicated that something was not right The GP referred Fiona to a Cardiologist as she was extremely concerned that Fiona was in fact unwell with a heart issue. This of course scared the hell out of poor Fiona – as one might expect. The cardiologist was fully booked until next week and this of course meant an end to the 777 quest and possible Fiona’s running career. As you might expect she was in bit :( I managed to arrange for the cardiologist to see her at the end of his surgery tonight and Fiona had to drive over to see him whilst I was on my way home from work. He said that if he had met her 15 years ago he would have loved to use Fiona as an example of what the human body can be trained to achieve as he had worked on a program to study extreme athletic performance – he said that her level of fitness was absolutely supreme and that there was absolutely nothing wrong with her heart – other than it being like that of an OX , although the off the scale readings that had alarmed the GP earlier were like nothing they would have ever seen before! So – thank goodness for that! – another load of unnecessary uber-stress Percy is still at the hospital going over the X –rays with his private consultant as all they show are sweets in various stages of digestion - but we think it will be OK
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 21:50:59 +0000

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