Today has been one of those days that just begs for processing…. - TopicsExpress


Today has been one of those days that just begs for processing…. So please indulge me as I “process” my thoughts with you. My day has been filled with intense energies! I was blessed with a number of magical moments and soul-level connections that left me literally feeling spacey. These connections which, while they were very much of this earth, also included other dimensional aspects. I was aware of my presence here in this physical dimension, but it was also very evident to me that a great part of my energy was somewhere else. The headache that ensued ranged between mildly disruptive to almost migraine level in intensity. Apparently, I haven’t been very grounded today. A friend suggested opening the earth chakra that exists about 6” to 8” beneath my feet – one that I’ve never addressed before. She suggested imagining flipping a switch to turn this chakra on, opening it up, to connect me to the earth and ground the energies raging in my head. I immediately felt relief of the pressure, and it continued releasing this pent up energy. The headache has persisted, but some of that could just be due to the exhaustion to which I’m beginning to succumb. It’s been a CRAZILY busy week! I also came across information that intense storms are brewing in various parts of the country. Could it be that I’m also picking up on these energies? Certainly. So, the bottom line? … it’s rather funny, but I don’t know what today’s “bottom line” is – yet. I celebrate the amazing connections that occurred today. I appreciate the expansion I felt. And until my body acclimates to whatever this new “normal” might be, I will trust the process and honor my body’s request for rest. If there’s any insight that I can share with you all, it is this: we’re all entering into completely unchartered energetic territory. We’re opening to the fullness of our multi-dimensionality, and that will affect each of us in unique ways until our bodies make the necessary adjustments. Honor your process – whatever that is. Heed the messages of your body. And celebrate the opening of ever greater possibilities that is upon us! Namaste, Sue Krebs / Soul Speaking
Posted on: Sat, 05 Oct 2013 03:00:00 +0000

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