Today has definitely been a day of reflection. There is so much I - TopicsExpress


Today has definitely been a day of reflection. There is so much I want to do still with my business, with my life, with my relationships (kids, boyfriend, family, friends). And I realize I cant do it all. By trying to do it all, I do everything half assed (excuse my language). I realize Im not perfect and I need to just get over that. When I start feeling like I cant do it all, I just shut down. I become completely overwhelmed and I close myself off completely. The last two months have been brutal. Physically, mentally, emotionally and financially. My body wants to shut down and that little voice inside keeps telling me, I can do this. I care so much about my family that when things happen to them, it hurts me tremendously and it brings me right down with them. Im trying to stay strong. And Im trying to have faith that all will work itself out. Because it always does. My family is what has kept me going. And still does. Yesterday was a day I needed to put everything into perspective. I had the best time ever. It started off with a trip to the Dentist with my daughter. Nobody likes going to the dentist. But my daughter is a different breed. She actually likes it. We sat in that little office waiting for them to find out what has been bothering her and we danced and sang to 50s music. We couldnt stop laughing. Im sure clients that could hear us in the other areas thought we were crazy. But it really did brighten up the atmosphere in the place we dread going to. Laughter really does change the mood. All the lab techs and assistants would peek in to see what we were doing, making cute comments and some even dancing along with us. When the dentist first walked in he was in a hurry and very impersonal. When he came back the 2nd time around after he heard us giggling and singing and seeing us dancing while he went from patient to patient.... he came into the room a COMPLETELY different person. He was talking to us and laughing and telling us stories about his daughter. He said to my daughter. Wow. Your mom is your best friend, isnt she? She is so cool. and my daughter said She is my best friend. My heart smiled. Really big. Because for just that small moment in the dentist office I was able to let go of all the struggles and hardships that have been going on in my life and focus solely on the important things. I over heard him telling his assistant that he was going to wave any fees for the night guard that my daughter was needing. Because he knew how expensive it was and he thought I didnt have insurance (which I dont, but my daughter does). Little did he know that my daughters insurance covered it 100% but the thought of him doing that for us was overwhelming sweet. He also offered me 20% off any work I needed done on my teeth knowing I didnt have insurance, along with a payment plan that I could afford. Laughter. It really does make a difference. It changes someones mentality. It brightens a day. It gets you through the hard times. And it softens hearts. My day continued on with lunch with my son. Spending time with him always makes me happy. He surprisingly stopped by the house and we ended up going to our favorite spot. Its been such a long time since we have done that. After that I went to a movie with one of my best friends and we laughed through the entire movie. Boy did that feel good and after that I went to my other best friends house to have a glass of wine and laugh some more. Today I will spend the day with my mom, nephew, daughter and my boyfriend. Im busy and I dont have time to do these things. But I know how much my heart needs it. To be surrounded by those I love and to stop worrying about things I can not change. I will continue to spend my days laughing and enjoying what I do have and worry less about what I dont have. Because if I added up all the things I currently do have in my life... there are no riches in the world that could compare to it. Because when I really sit and think about it, there are no job offers, no money, no wants in the world that could ever replace the people that fill my life with joy. Because of them, I am so very rich!!! I have everything that I want and everything that I need. And I need to learn to just let all the other things fall into place when the time is right. Dont forget to count your blessings. Life is so much more than all the material stuff our hearts desire and yearn for. Everything we will ever need is right in front of our eyes. We just need to slow down and take the time to appreciate it.
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 20:17:28 +0000

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