Today is Full Moon, a blood moon. Many of you know I have been in - TopicsExpress


Today is Full Moon, a blood moon. Many of you know I have been in hospital, and I have had many messages asking what has happened and what is happening! So here is an open message to answer you all. I had a shot of a new chemo chemical two weeks ago. Last week the effects of that chemo made itself very clear. My face blew up, my hands also swelled up, I had vomiting - practically every side effect they said it was highly unlikely I would have! I was admitted to hospital on Thursday afternoon on drips for antibiotics and all sorts of other stuff. It was a trippy ride. A day to day balancing act. I remember forcing my rings off - thank goodness I did, they would have had to been cut off if I had not done it at the point I did. I had 5 days of temperature taken, blood taken every day, pee measured, poo examined, and every indignity known to womanhood. It was announced I had neutripaenia... My blood count was 0.01. apparently infection was my enemy. So Elaine Towers had to mask up on particular evening. I am now home. I am not having any more chemo. It is time to get off the Cancer train and return to life as I knew it; and create a good life going forward. Having done 4 shots of 6 gives me a very good prognosis in that the surgery was successful and chemo was my insurance policy. I accept that cancer changes your life, and there is BC (before cancer) and AC (after cancer) but I dont want that kind of marker in my life. So it is BBM (Before Blood Moon) and ABM (After Blood Moon). Of course there will be ongoing checks and visits to clinics but in essence life can now return to normal. The one thing I want for the future is not to talk about Cancer. I have had long in depth conversations with myself over the last couple of days, I have cried a river, an ocean and released it all. To keep cancer as a topic of conversation every day would make it difficult to move forward. I must move forward. Thank you to all who helped, who prayed, who held me in their thoughts - you succeeded! I am through the dark valley, I have stared into the Abyss and I am not going anywhere in a hurry. You will all have to put up with me for a good long time yet. To celebrate this Blood Full Moon, my pledge is to create a life that I want to live - to live it with my daughter, with my friends; to have a fantastic community of people who are like minded; who just get life. To laugh, giggle, eat, drink and make merry in true traditional Druid style. So here is my Blood moon challenge for you.... What will you pledge for yourself going forward....? Indulge me... come on I want 50 least!
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 21:39:54 +0000

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