Today is a day that we will never forget. Its one of the few days - TopicsExpress


Today is a day that we will never forget. Its one of the few days that I can vividly remember the exact sequences of the day and what I was doing. I rushed out to the living room to show my mom my awesome outfit for school, it was still back to school week so we still had to wear our cute clothes! I quickly stopped in my tracks as I saw my mom sitting on the edge of the couch in tears, I went to see what she was looking at and saw the replay of the first tower being hit. I was in shock, confused, numb. As the events of that day went on my state of confusion and shock turned to anger, while still feeling numb. I knew this was a day that would change our country. As the days went on, and our country rallied around NYC, I felt proud. Proud to be an American, where regardless of who or what you are, when in a state of crisis we step up! Proud of the brave men and women who selflessly gave their lives to save another. Proud of the selfless individuals who gave countless hours to help. Help pull people to safety, help clean up the debris, help rebuild. Today we remember those lives that were lost, those heroes who are still with us, and we say THANK YOU!
Posted on: Wed, 11 Sep 2013 15:04:55 +0000

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