Today is a great day to talk about goal/vision setting!! Its - TopicsExpress


Today is a great day to talk about goal/vision setting!! Its that time of year when many people are talking about what their vision is for the next 12 months, we look back at what we did in 2014 and sometimes we think we just didnt quite get there. There is always a reason for not achieving the goals we wanted and there is a full proof plan to follow that will ensure you hit your goals every single time! So today I am going to give you that full proof plan that is going to allow you to smash every vision/target you have for 2015! The first thing you need to do is set your goal/target and put specific dates down for when you plan to accomplish, for example say your target was to lose 30 lbs in 2015 so you could have benchmarks set along the way with targets such as 15 lbs lost by Valentines Day! Next you need make a commitment to yourself and a commitment to the goal. To do this you must tap into your emotions. Why this is so important for you to achieve?? How are you going to feel if you lose that 30 lbs? How is your confidence going to change? Is your personal relationships going to improve? Is your energy going to improve? Are you going to be more successful in your job/business? We need to create this emotion and understand that it is the WHY? that is the trigger and the reason to make you want to make this change in your life! This is the biggest thing we need to implement first! Number 2 is we need to make a public declaration. So tell your family/friends what your vision/target is. Post it on FB if you want. This is going to be your accountability. You need an accountability friend. So have a friend who you know is going to keep you accountable. They will say hey come on, stick with this when you need them most. This will remind you of the Why? we spoke about above and keep you on target! This could also be a coach/trainer but remember you must include them in the why?! Number 3 you need to model success. If you have met someone who has achieved what your vision is you have to learn from them and replicate their commitment and habits. Everything that you ever want to achieve in life, someone else has achieved it! Success leaves clues, its up to you to follow in their foot-steps. The last thing is you must ACT on your vision. Act daily, everyday day take positive steps that will allow you to move closer to your goal! You cannot just sit there fiddling your thumbs.. you need to create action! Sometimes you will become overwhelmed by life and paralysed in moving towards your goal but you must keep moving forward, keep creating action and if you need to correct something along the way, then thats fine but dont stop moving.. keep creating ACTION! If you have to make a decision and you do not know the answer.. Think of those who you look up to and those who you are trying to emulate their success. What would they do? ACT as they would. Make a decision and go with it! For example.. If your out and you have a decision to make as to what you are going to eat. Ask yourself What is the right choice here? What really should I be choosing? Simplify things. Make daily positive steps towards your goals. To summarise, we need to set specific targets and include dates. We need to understand the Why?, this is our trigger for wanting to change and is the biggest factor as it is emotion based! Make a public declaration and choose an accountability buddy. Number 3, model success. Find someone who has achieved what your vision is and learn everything you can from them. Lastly, create ACTION! Act Now... Make 2015 the year you created real change! Gary R
Posted on: Sat, 27 Dec 2014 12:40:57 +0000

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