Today is the day. As much as I have felt bad for this harsh - TopicsExpress


Today is the day. As much as I have felt bad for this harsh solution, I must apply logic here. Bruno is suffering from severe hip displaysia, and the reality is that aside from that, his knee cap has floated all the way to the back of his leg. In the process, his leg has atrophied and literally just become a dead weight and a source of constant pain. This is not the result of a lack of care on our part- not by a long shot, this is in part due to the horrors of backyard breeding. In a world that is becoming more aware too slowly, that there are literally hundreds dying in shelters and on the streets everyday, people also have to consider the other side effects like Bruno and his health. All of his deformities are the direct result of having so many donors, I know his little brother never made it to 10lbs, and that is how he is today, with many health issues. (Bruno is 70 lbs, and so are his brothers and sisters.) For everyone who thinks it is cute when people breed their dogs just because, or so the kids can see the birth, or they think they can make a buck.......please dont. As I would suggest you take a teenager through a maternity ward, or perhaps down to the local welfare office to see all the young mothers lined up to prevent teen pregnancy, then I would implore you to take a walk through a shelter, preferably a high kill one. Look into the innocent faces of those who will die in a cold,sterile room, with no one there to send them to the bridge because someone thought all their puppies would find great homes. If you can do that and still want to bring a litter of backyard bred puppies into this world, then you are truly incapable of making this world a better place.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 11:37:32 +0000

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