Today marks 13 Years since the attack on the World Trade Center. I - TopicsExpress


Today marks 13 Years since the attack on the World Trade Center. I remember I was in Florida on vacation I walked inside to see my Aunt Shelly glued to CNN watching a Building on fire; I at the time had no idea what any of this meant. That was 13 years ago, I was a child with no cares what so ever in the world; Protected by my family, like a child should be. I woke up this morning to get ready to go to work, I immediately think of what I watched on the News last night, what I have watched conspire over the past few years; I find myself ashamed of not being in touch more. I find it uncanny for us Americans to have to be united when our people are murdered. Is this what has to happen for our people to wake up again?; We have been asleep for so long; ignored the obvious, comforted ourselves in way to many What ifs. Like the child I was 13 years ago I find myself quite frankly scared again; the difference is I know what to be scared of. An ever growing threat has been building since we left Iraq. Then; President George W. Bush said In 2007 before he left office, made a statement about how If we left Iraq early before the mission was finished and we had left Iraq a stable nation, that it would fall in on itself; that It would mean mass killings on a horrific scale; that it would mean the surrender of Iraq to Al Queida; What a silly notion it seemed for so many, after all who could blame anyone for thinking so? After Katrina No one trusted Bush; tired of pedantic and His so called War on Terror; Bush never got the appraise he deserved. Bush was willing to take the fight to them, he didnt wait to build a strategy; while our people were murdered on camera, Bush received a lot of distress from the left blaming him for bringing us into a War they did not want. I find it funny because when he brought his decision to Congress, Both The senate and house, Bipartisan at the time; Both accepted his terms without falter, they said Lets go get them. over the years as we struggled our inner war began, our true colors of Partisan politics. The Left (Democrats) began to smear and beseech, Or President, Blaming him for Katrina; a fake war against terror; The right side could only defend what they believed which was quite opposite of the Left. It was a hard time; A scary time. I look back at all this, something I missed because I was a child; But I have not forgot. As stated earlier in this post I awoke this morning, thinking hard about what our Now President Obama had to say on our ever growing threat of ISIS, for those of you who do not know; They are The Islamic State They are a terrorist group formed from previous Al Queida members as well as many other people from all different walks of life, even people like you and me. They are literally hell bent on total Caliphate, The World wide use of (Sharia Law) for all of you women reading this post I urge you to read about that; Its a real page turner... (Sarcasm). Pretty much in a nutshell either your a Muslim or you should Die. now All of those still reading this I want you to think about this for a moment. Muslim or Die.... Muslim or Die. You have but one choice. not what shoes to wear, not what car to drive; what religion; and if you pick the wrong one, Its off with your head. Now I dont know about any of you; but I really like my head on my neck, but Im sure as hell not going to bow down to the likes of a man who thinks when he dies theres 72 virgins waiting for him. back to Our current President, Im absolutely astounded it has taken two Beheadings on camera to wake him up, a man who has said not only once, but at least fifteen times HE brought an end to the Iraq war; hahaha Mr. President, you have merely tranquilized a bear only to release back into the wild; one who has already killed thousands of our people; rather then eliminate the problem youve kicked it down the road; Well Mr. President the bear has awoken and its hungry and its mad as hell; and it will stop at nothing to get what it wants, be it live or die. We are now in a situation where we are caught with our pants around our ankles. we must now go back into war. and we must continue to fight until there is No More ISIS; not until it becomes a manageable problem we did not fight a war in Iraq for 10 years only to lose it back to the people we fought for it, our People who were on those planes and in those buildings we not murdered in vein. there will be revenge, and all those who are in our way will die, We are America, we are Number 1 on the world scale, 1st with boots on the ground; and least to leave, we are the Free; those who teach our children right from wrong, We are the ones who can practice what ever religion we so choose be it no religion at all, It was our God given right, a right; rights that have been fought and died for; for hundreds of years. Our country was based off of simple principals, and if you dont believe me just Google the constitution, our Bill of Rights, the amendments; In quite an interesting read. today we remember ALL those who have fallen on the battle field, those families that receive those letters deserve our utmost respect; we remember those who were murdered in the name of Allah; men women children not just our own, but those living in that country. a great man by the Name of Abraham Lincoln once said A house divided against itself cannot stand. He was merely talking about partisanship, most threw it off as silly, were now at a moment in our country were we are all split right down the middle and its because of Partisan Politics; the lefts Fake war on women, The white man is still trying to hold the black man down, hes only out for the rich guys getting. if we all heard it once weve heard it a thousand times. Most of us have ignored it because were tired of hearing about it; We cannot wait any longer and kick the can down the road. we passed the can. theres no going back; we must deal with the problems we must come together as one. no more Racist bigotry, no more Big Govt assistance, you can help yourself, dont take no hand outs, God gave us hands to work not to receive. Its time to do our job and put the right people in office, its time America. Its time To Wake Up....... I would Like to personally thank all And any service members, we are here because of you. I would like to thank God, his plan will be done. God Bless, Please Do NOT EVER FORGET. -Aaron B Salisbury NC please share if you think this was good enough to share.
Posted on: Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:14:35 +0000

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