Today marks a special day in my radio career as my Blues Corner - TopicsExpress


Today marks a special day in my radio career as my Blues Corner radio show reaches show number 100!! I’ve no idea where the time has gone since I started this show back in August 2012, but it has certainly flown by. Yes I know I choose the music each week from the huge amount that comes in to me, in fact this is the biggest part of doing the show but I wanted to take this opportunity to thank a very special person who is a big part in making the show a success, that is of course the man known as Prof H or Trevor Hazel. He was the first person to congratulate me and add me as a friend back on 3rd March 2012 when I broadcast my first ever show and has followed all my shows since then. He’s a big reason why they’ve become as good as they are, due to the amount of work he does bringing me new artists, keeping me up to date with news and the awesome supply of band/artist links, web and bio info that he contributes during the show every week. I know how much effort this takes and really miss him when he’s not around; it makes life very hectic for me! He also puts his all into helping promote not just my/our two shows but also lots of station information. We often get accused of speaking to each other more than our wives/partners lol…. But that is all about making the shows good and keeping them there, plus he’s always helpful if I’m having a bad time and I’ve been there for him when he’s been through bad times, it’s what friends do for each other. Now this may all sound a bit soppy but personally, and you all know me, I think it’s only fair on such a big occasion to recognise those who bring such a big contribution and are vital cogs in the wheel so THANK YOU Trevor!!! This obviously also applies to all the many, many artists who tune in when they can, send me music both old and new, the promoters, my friends in the industry, without whom the shows wouldn’t be possible, all the listeners who tune in and also suggest new artists to us, plus of course Firebrand Rock Radio for hosting the shows. It’s one big team effort and if you’re free tonight at 7pm UK time, 2pm US Eastern time then please feel free to come and join us in this celebration. You know the details of where and when to find us. I can’t tell you who is coming up on the show but I will say I have several new artists being played for the first time, a lot of artists instrumental in building my love of the blues plus 11 brand new releases. All in all I think the line-up befits our 100th show and I hope you can join us and thank you again Trevor – you rock my friend.
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 08:41:20 +0000

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