Today my oil hero is Roman Chamomile, because, when you get me 3 - TopicsExpress


Today my oil hero is Roman Chamomile, because, when you get me 3 extra hours of sleep, you get the title of hero. Presleigh is a HARD teether. As in I think we have been in teething hell for solid year. I used to just give her bucket loads of Motrin. But, those of you who know me, know my hippy heart runs deep and it killed me to give her so much medicine. However, we needed sleep. So, I did what I thought it is that you do. Then, my previously mentioned oil friend Amber Jane sent me a sample of this miracle oil. I put it, diluted (although I currently just use it neat - but I recommend diluting ALL oils the first couple times you use them) up and down Presleighs jaw line (on the outside of her mouth) all the way up to her temples on each side. And, you know what? She slept like a dream. No Motrin needed. Now, we still use Motrin on the REALLY tough nights - but this oil has been our savior during these rough months. I actually sleep with it in my nursing bra and when I see her start to toss and turn in the night, I sneak a couple drops of this on her face and I can almost do a count down. Usually about 30 seconds and she is still and completely back to sleep again. As far as Im concerned EVERY mom needs this in their tool box. I will never be without it again. It is liquid gold. Do any of you have experience with this oil? Id love to hear what you use it for.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 21:29:49 +0000

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