Today this deserves a big Amen because sometimes in life you find - TopicsExpress


Today this deserves a big Amen because sometimes in life you find you are persecuted by those who are really in the wrong. A lot of people say they dont care what people think of them. I cant imagine not caring at all what people think. I do care what impression or image I leave with people. I know with my own shortcomings in life it hasnt always been good but that is not the desire of my heart. I know the best way to prove who I am is to just continue being just that, who I am. There will be some who like it, some who dont but for those who lie about me that will be the Lords decision on how to handle it and he can and will always do much better in correcting that issue than I could ever possibly do. I need to make sure I keep Debbie in check so hes not having to discipline me. Therefore, my reaction will be to lay it at the cross and thank the Lord for his mercies, grace and ask him to help me hold true to forgiveness for those who choose to hurt others, me included. The Lord will humble those who as Momma says Got too big for their britches. Love is what propels me today and no weapon formed against me will prosper.
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 14:19:19 +0000

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