Today was a bit scary for me and Bryson. He had to go back to - TopicsExpress


Today was a bit scary for me and Bryson. He had to go back to school and I had to let him. I know... I know... Big deal right? Well, hes been seeing his drs about his seizures and anxiety, right? Hes been doing great... But... Last week when we made the decision to come back earlier than his drs had wanted... Suddenly he felt like the seizures were coming back... Thats where Bryson day was born. His drs told me not to worry about getting everything done... To just play with him... Help him rediscover home, his room, his toys. Keep the drama away from him. So we did that... But, Monday came very quickly and the excitement was here... A little drama, and a lot of fear. You know? Hes been out of school for 5 months now. He was afraid his friends wouldnt remember him, hes gained a good bit of weight and was worried some might pick on him for that, hes always made very good grades and he knows weve tried very hard to catch up, but you cant be that sick and miss that much school and not get behind. So... We met with the vice principal for a while then it was time to walk him to class... The big moment was here... As we approached his room, some of the kids saw him. I wish you could have seen their faces. Smiles lit the room and as he entered... The thunder of claps blew him away. Finally... We could both exhale. They remembered him... They were glad to see him... They welcomed him back. He was ready to get started. I turned and left him... Full of relief. He was exactly where he wanted to be. It felt right. As I left, I just knew he was gonna be fine. Then as I sat in the car rider line I began to reflect.... Have you ever hated that line? Me too. But not today. I was thankful to be sitting in it waiting to pick my angel up. That feeling led to more thankful thoughts... I realized... I can go to the grocery store and buy almost any food I choose. Brett can eat a basically normal diet again.... It may not stay down, but I can actually cook whatever I want. Yep, crazy huh? Who is thankful for car rider line, the grocery store and cooking? You never realize how good you have it till its gone. Be thankful your kids get to go to school and learn with each other... Be thankful for waiting in that line... Just remember who your waiting for. Be thankful for the variety of foods we get to choose from at the store... And the line to pay... Just remember who your choosing for. Be thankful you have a family to cook for. I know these are small every day monotonies... Would you fill your days with anything else? What would you do if you did t have them to do these little annoying things for? Is there any better way to spend your time than loving your family? Today I have to thank God for temporarily taking the daily monotonies away so I could appreciate them... Miss them... Be thankful for them. As bad as the car rider line is.... The wait at the drs office is worse.... As bad as the grocery shopping is.... Sitting at the hospital watching the ones you love hurt is worse.... Even though we still have a long way to go.... We have come sooo far. Ive been thankful for the donors, Ive been thankful for the support of so many, Im thankful We are back home husband has a new kidney and my sons seizures are being controlled.... Im so thankful for those big things.... But today... Im most thankful for the little things... you have no idea how you miss doing laundry right inside your own house instead of going to a laundry mat, cooking instead of eating out every meal, and yes, sitting in the car rider line. Ive been a little scared and worried about coming home... The drs are so far away, Brett still has a long way to go in his recovery. Bryson has to try to regain some normalcy in his life and I have to help them both reach their goals. I still have to take Brett to drs 3 days a week and Bryson back to Birmingham one day a week. So, no... We still have a few obstacles to overcome. But I know God will get us where he wants us to be. So, as I lay down to sleep. Dear God, thank you for the little things and I trust you with the big things still needed. Youve said youve got this... And I know you do. Youve brought us a long way. And I know you have great things still to come. I believe you... I trust you... I give my fears to you again... You are always there for me and I am your servant. Your will is my plan.... Im So glad I finally get it. I love you Lord...Amen
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 06:06:37 +0000

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