Today was my 40th birthday and as I sit in my chair tonight and - TopicsExpress


Today was my 40th birthday and as I sit in my chair tonight and reflect on the past 40 years, I see many changes, most for the worse, going on in the world. Since its my birthday, Im going to step up to my soapbox for a moment. Although there are a multitude of issues we face today, my passion since I was 5 was animals. A homemade book with Natgeo animal pictures cut out and labeled Marcs Zoo age 5 adorns our wall. One of the photos in it, the Javan Tiger, went extinct in 1979 the year after I titled my book. In the years since, I went on to college and careers and worked with animals almost daily, and several other animals followed the same dim path as the Javan Tiger. Countless others have joined the ranks on the endangered species list and are under constant threat of extinction. Animal Rights groups waive their banners in attempts to turn all captive animals free and stop captive reproduction. News media sensationalize dangerous animal encounters and instill fear and hate in the general population. 98% of polled Americans say they want to save our planets animals and resources, but less than 2% actually act on it. Its disheartening. Human population continues to expand and with it comes urban sprawl, increased demand for food and building materials and ultimately plant and animal displacement and habitat destruction. Sure, much of it is necessary but wild and free is a pipe dream for most animals. I get asked at the Zoo often, do we reintroduce babies born here into the wild? To where? Let me tell you about the last Scimitar Horned Oryx reintroduction into Chad Africa - all slaughtered by poachers within 12 months. Or how about the Lion Headed Tamerin reintroduction in South America - they were finally breeding on their own when loggers decimated their home forest and killed them. The reality is captive animals are all were going to have because we cant control humanity. And guess what? In captivity they are cared for at the highest level with double the lifespans of their wild counterparts; they dont have to watch out for poachers or natural predators; and they dont have to stress about where their last meal comes from. Zoos arent perfect either- they bicker over loaning an animal here or there afraid a successful birth would overshadow their own facility. Some hoard species for bragging rights while others euthanize babies if they cant stay within certain facilities. We as humanity have to collectively stop talking and start walking. People, you have to start caring about this planet and its inhabitants - were the stewards and quite frankly we stink. Humanity is too busy with their own comforts to realize were wiping out a world of unique animals. There are 44 Sloth Bears in the Western Hemisphere - 2 of which are here at Creation Kingdom Zoo. Why are there so few? Poaching and habitat destruction, but also because large metropolitan zoos 20 years ago decided Giant Pandas were cuter and devoted billions to save them and wrote off the little Sloth Bear. US Zoos pay China billions annually to lease Pandas for exhibit. What? Im all for saving the Panda but must we lease them to save them? Do we throw one species aside? Efforts are now underway to save the Sloth Bear and CKZ here is participating but it takes time. Americans see some sad story on their televisions and make themselves feel good by donating a few dollars a month to save species x and never look to see 80% of their money goes to staff salaries or worse. Get off your cans and out from in front of the tv and make a real difference. Stop being so concerned with making yourself feel good and do something good. I cant live here in Earth forever, but I have a responsibility to ensure my little girl grows up and sees Sloth Bears, elephants, tigers and lemurs. I want your kids to see them too - not in books or movies, but in real life. My point? Stop talking, start walking. Thanks for the birthday wishes! 󾍇
Posted on: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 03:31:10 +0000

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