Today was my first day in academy. My dad led me inside the - TopicsExpress


Today was my first day in academy. My dad led me inside the academy building and down the hall to room 22. The room was filled with a bunch of older kids. I was the youngest kid in the whole class by at least two years. I was nervous about being around so many kids. I sat at the desk in the very back of the room and on the very end of the row to the left. At the moment, my dad sat down beside me. “Listen here, Shizu. You’re gonna be fine, and I think you’ll like the teacher.” He said with a smile. I looked at him confused but then I figured out what he was talking about. My mom walked though the door! “Hello, class! My name is Akari Sensei. I’ll be your sensei for this year. I see I have about…22 kids in this class. That should be fun. Anyway, lets call role. Ai!” she said as a girl around the age of 7 raised her hand. She called off 14 names before calling mine. “H-here…” I said shyly. A bunch of kids laughed at me being so young, as mom went on with the names. I looked down at my desk but Ai didn’t laugh. She looked at me with a smile and walked over to me. She sat down in the desk beside me and tapped my shoulder. “Hey. You’re Shizukana, right? Don’t worry about them. They’re just a bunch of bullies.” She told me. I could instantly tell she wasn’t like the other mean kids, she was actually nice. I smiled over at her. “I know…they’re mean…” I told her. “Well, my name’s Ai. Maybe we can hang out some time.” she told me as she sort of blushed. I smiled and nodded. The class bell rang. “Okay, first, I’m gonna tell you guys a little bit about myself. My name is Akari Uchiha. I’m 17 years old and I’m a jounin. I’m engaged to Haruki Uzumaki. My parents are Sasuke and Sakura Uchiha. I have two brothers, both rogue ninja. Their names are Isamu Uchiha and Amerasu Uchiha. I adopted the cutest little five year old about a week or two ago and he’s in this class. His name is Shizukana.” She said and as she said my name everybody turned to me and I kind of slumped down in my seat trying not to be seen. She continued by saying “This is my first year teaching so go easy on me.” she said with a giggle. Ai raised her hand. “Akari sensei.” She said. “Yes, Ai?” my mother asked. “What are we going to do today?” she asked. “I was just about to get to that. We’re starting with a fun little outdoor project! So stand up, push your chairs in and get in a single file line in front of the door. Lemme get the materials.” She said as the class stood up and lined up, me Ai and a guy named Attakai at the very back of the line. “Hey, kid. My name’s Attakai Uchiha. I’m six years old. My mommy is your daddy’s sister so we’re cousins!” he told me. I smiled a little. “Hi! My name’s Shizukana. Nice to meet you.” I told him holding out my hand, him shaking my hand. “Attakai, Shizukana, how about we all eat lunch together?” Ai asked. We smiled and said in unison “Yeah!” We were lead outside by mom, who took us out to a huge field. It was surrounded by trees and perched on a tree branch was my dad. He jumped down from his branch next to the class. “Hey guys! I’m here to help you with your project today!” he said as he pulled out a kunai. Mom passed out a one plastic kunai to each student. “You’re going to be throwing these kunai at the target on that tree over there.” Mom said as she pointed at a tree with a target on it, about the height of Attakai. We all lined up to take turns and for some annoying reason, I was first in line. I gripped the kunai’s handle loosely and threw it with all of my might, and some way some how I hit about two inches below the bulls-eye, much closer than I expected. My mom and dad clapped for me as I went to the back of the line. After me was Ai. She gripped her kunai and threw it with pretty good accuracy, hitting about one inch from the bulls-eye. Mom and dad cheered her on as well as she walked to the back of the line. “Good job, Ai.” I told her. She smiled and thanked me. Up next was Attakai. He smirked and threw his kunai with perfect accuracy, nailing the bulls-eye directly. He nodded and walked to the back of the line, everybody cheering for him, including me and Ai. People continued to take their turns. Mom smiled as the last person finished. “Well done, class. The top scorer was Attakai, hitting the bulls-eye directly. Well done.” Mom said. “Its not like it’s the first time I’ve used a kunai before.” Attakai said with a smirk. “Oh, but if u think that’s awesome, then try this.” Haruki said pulling out three four kunai, throwing three of them to three different trees. He held up his wrist, showing a fine thread attached, also revealing the fact that the kunai were tied together and to his wrist with a string pulled towards the target and as he cut the string with his last kunai, the kunai shot back at the target, each hitting the bulls-eye but at different angles. “Impressive, but you’re a jounin. I’m not even a genin yet.” Attakai said. “True, true.” My father replied nodding his head. My mother smiled and nodded. “Well done you guys! Now, I’m gonna let you guys play a little for the rest of class, get your recess in.” she told us with a smile. I smiled and ran over to a little spot in the field and sat down, hugging my knees. Ai and Attakai ran over to me. “You did good with the kunai, Shizu.” Ai told me. “You two did better.” I said with a sigh. “That’s not the first time I’ve picked up a kunai.” Attakai told me. “Me neither.” Ai said to me with a smile. “Oh…” I said lifting my head, managing a slight smile. “Yeah, don’t worry. You’ll become a great ninja.” She told me, kissing me on the cheek, my eyes widening. I blushed slightly and the bell rang. “B-bye.” I said running home.
Posted on: Sun, 16 Jun 2013 01:46:02 +0000

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