Today was the day five years ago that I lost one of the most - TopicsExpress


Today was the day five years ago that I lost one of the most important people in my life. Rebecca you were one of the most amazing people I knew. You always made me laugh no matter what you were doing, when I was waiting for Alice to wake up of a morning we used to verse each other in ‘beetle battle’ and you would always win and shove it in my face, when we used to throw stuffed toys at Brodie and yell squirrel and he would run for his life – these are my most cherished memories, the times I spent with you. When you were diagnosed with a brain tumour it really shook me up, I couldn’t believe that the most loving and brave child that I had ever had the pleasure of knowing could be told such devastating news. When you finished your radiation therapy I remember you coming home and we had a cubs sleep over where we built little houses out of card board boxes and when we took yours home we used to stand it upright and put Billy in there and see if he could get out. Or we would sit in there for hours laughing. I was at your house that weekend to be with Alice but yet I spent the whole time with you, hoping that it wouldn’t be the last and that you were going to be okay. When you went away again for chemotherapy in Westmead Childrens Hospital I never really ever got to see you, I came and saw you once for the weekend and I don’t think I had expected to see your usual smiling and happy face looking so down and sick. It was that moment that I prayed that I wouldn’t lose you, I couldn’t lose you. You were like my little sister you still are. On New Years Eve when we had a party I really got to see how sick you were, you had finished your chemo and all your therapies and we hoped it had left you alone and that you were going to be okay. We hoped that you were still getting over the chemo, but on this dreadful day five years ago we got the phone call that we hoped we never got, you had passed away in your hospital bed after being rushed up there the night before. I don’t think I have ever cried that hard. I’d lost you. I lost my little sister. I will never forget you bec. You made my life the best it could have ever been while you were here. You were taken away from us way to young, 11 years too young. Your life hadn’t started and you never got to live your life but I hope that the people that were in it while you were here made it the best. I love you so much, I miss you still to this day and I don’t think I will ever stop. Earth lost a child but heaven gained a playful and happy angel. Rest In Peace Beautiful.
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 00:28:24 +0000

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