Today when we consider once more the central mysteries of our - TopicsExpress


Today when we consider once more the central mysteries of our faith, we are surprised to see how very human gestures are used to express the deepest truths: the love of God the Father who gives up his Son, and the Sons love which calmly leads him to Calvary. God does not approach us in power and authority. No, he takes the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of man. (Phil 2:7) Jesus is never distant or aloof. although sometimes in his preaching he seems very sad, because he is hurt by the evil men do. However, if we watch him closely, we will note immediately that his anger comes from love. It is a further invitation for us to leave infidelity and sin behind. Have I any pleasure in the death of the wicked, says the Lord God, and not rather that he should turn from his way and live? (Ezek 18:23) These words explain Christs whole life. They allow us to understand why he has come to us with a heart made of flesh, a heart like ours. This is a convincing proof of his love and a constant witness to the mystery of divine charity... Note that God does not say: In exchange for your own heart, I will give you a will of pure spirit. No, he gives us a heart, a human heart, like Christs. I dont have one heart for loving God and another for loving people. I love Christ and the Father and the Holy Spirit and our Lady with the same heart with which I love my parents and my friends. I shall never tire of repeating this. We must be very human, for otherwise we cannot be divine. Human love, the love we experience on earth when it is really genuine, helps us to savour divine love. That is how we grasp the love by which we rejoice in God and which we will share in heaven when the Lord is everything to everyone. (1 Cor 15:28) If we begin to understand Gods love, we will feel impelled to become increasingly more compassionate, more generous, more dedicated. We must give what we receive, we must teach what we learn. Very simply, without any kind of conceit, we must help others to share in the knowledge of Gods love. -- St Josemaría Escrivá, Finding Peace in the Heart of Christ
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 09:31:36 +0000

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