Todays Anglican theologians embrace all sorts of notions, but they - TopicsExpress


Todays Anglican theologians embrace all sorts of notions, but they do not speak as men who have seriously grappled with the witness of the [Thirty-nine] Articles [of Religion] on any subject at all... The truth is that for over four centuries the Reformed commitment of the Church of England, set forth in the Articles, has been a matter of public fact... As I with my British passport cannot convincingly pretend to be a citizen of Bolivia or Brazil at a time of passport inspection, so one cannot convincingly deny the Reformed commitment of the Church of England when the official formularies are taken note of; for one cannot pretend that the Articles do not exist, or are not in fact what they are. - J.I. Packer & R.T. Beckwith in The Thirty-nine Articles: Their Place and Use Today Cartoon: Pernicious Nonsense Punch (November 3, 1866). As a Ritualist priest walks by swinging a censer out which pours incense smoke, John Bull, the symbol of England, tells the assembled clergymen: “I pay your reverences to look after my establishment, and if you neglect your duty, I shall see to it myself.”
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 04:49:00 +0000

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