Todays Big Smiley book 5, 13th. skit. Good morning, Facebook - TopicsExpress


Todays Big Smiley book 5, 13th. skit. Good morning, Facebook readers, has anyone else noticed how the end of 2014s feature programs are about how the rich Republicans are pushing all the rest of us off the cliff, with their rigged court system, block the vote, killer cops turning their backs on the peoples New York mayor; money grabbing off the safety net Food Stamps, Unemployment Insurance, Obama Medical Care and Social Security; and worse, oil sludge pollution of our clean water supplies, unregulated smoking air pollution and terrorists nuclear bomb threats. As if they have no respectful fear that when they destroy the earth they wont go down with all of us slave wage workers. If this isnt the time to march against their hateful do nothing congress, greed, waste and torture, for the sake of our children, then when? Lets prayerfully take to the streets to save our country; wearing our marked t-shirts, carrying our protest signs and bumper stickers to join Jesus, Pope Francis, President Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and Rev. Al Sharpton. Fired up and ready to go! Chapter 13 After some serious thought, nothing much was said aloud, Marsha and Big Smiley decided as smart and clever as Misty Anna behaved herself, at four and a half months old, she was sitting up properly, rolling over and trying hard to crawl, it might not be too soon for her to begin cradle classes with the other babies. Furthermore, she could entertain a crowd playing patty-cake, her cute baby-talk giggles, and funny faces, especially, whenever she’d squint up her eyes and wrinkle her nose. She wasn’t into crying much. Once inside Bookers Books, most of their doubts fled. Marsha pulled back a little as she took off the baby’s pink mittens, bonnet and coat, but Misty Anna had already met and over-looked Hailey and her rascals, at their worst. Now caught in the excitement of her first day at school, the feisty little student was not at all afraid of the new and improved assistant teacher. In fact, despite her lack of age, she was quite ready for this. Satisfied, Big Smiley strolled off on his own dragging his leash behind him. It was pretty clear he had places to go and hands to shake. At the sound of the front door opening, a cold gust of air blew through the library used books section, Clare and Luigi St. entered, whispering and waving in celebration of their much anticipated event. For an instant, Marsha saw the shadow of Big Jack’s spirit hovering above their shoulders. She acknowledged him with a few seconds of did I see what I thought I saw? Then she looked away, toward the toddler’s physical education class, where Coy was working hard to maintain primary law and order. An odd, soring thought slipped in on her wouldn’t it be funny, but not as unlikely as it was for baby Barack Obama— for speeding right along CJ Duehill— (Coy Junior) to become valedictorian of his jumping bean graduating class this ageless school. On December 20th, Sheriff Simpodee’s wife, Gail, a heavy duty woman if there ever was one, woke up feeling about twenty pounds heavier. Her legs felt like tree stumps as she pushed them off the bed, feeling for the floor with her toes. She made it through the bathroom and the kitchen, where she punched a button on the coffee pot. Then she was ready to strike a match to the kindling in the fire place. There was no sense in yelling at that man anymore. So without the aid of threatening encouragement, somewhat reluctantly the sheriff crawled out from under the warm covers and slouched his way to the recliner in front of the flickering blaze. He hadn’t shaved in a week and his hair was sticking up and out and he looked bleary eyed from watching too much Speaker John Boehner fall short of Plan B votes to force Obama’s hand. But many anniversaries ago, his bound and determined woman had vowed to handle him one way or the other. She filled him full of buttered oats, shoved him through the steaming shower and presented him with clean socks, a freshly ironed uniform and polished boots. He had to get on the stick. Their wild and wooly, totally untamed, with their pierced nose rings and combat boots, black and colored streaks, long haired granddaughters had led a gang of degenerates to celebrate the twenty twelve end of the world, at the stroke of midnight, jump off the cliff into another celestial hemisphere. The Sheriff’s posse had roped in a few of them, but to stop this mob was about like herding cats. His own flesh and blood was still on the loose. In all his years as a half-assed, elected problem solver, he didn’t know what the hell to do next. What the badged lawman didn’t know was that help, however slim, was on the way. Sonny and the Second Hand Dog training book, trainers, Ken, August and Earl, were making headway with Raven and her frisky brood and that wasn’t all: during their small crowd pleasing practice stints at the city park one of ‘em had been tipped off about the snow drift Alps View site weed smokers’ kabuki. As the lemon sliced moon lit hour drew near, a great stone pit bonfire flamed a log stage in a bare spot in the woods, for the Granddaddy Longlegs’ musicians, hunkered down in their thick parkas, wearing gloves with the ends of their fingers snipped off, to beat the band. In honor of not only the Arapaho Five, chubby dancers, but also the strung along, grass is always greener on the other side of the slope, star studded sky divers. The jail guards begged on, too. So the prisoners, wrapped in blankets, cuffed and shuffling in leg irons were shoved to the scene. This time the end of the world was truly amazing. Indian Chief Wolfgang, his medicine man shaman and their tribal shut mouth braves had never before drawn such an enormous crowd. As the sparks flew, Sonny dragged up the abandoned hood of an old car and the sheriff ordered his granddaughters and ever’ last one of their instigating peers, at gun point to the ground, to pile up on board the home made sled, and he shot ‘em off the edge of the mountain with his bare hands. Their screams ripped through the canyons.
Posted on: Sun, 28 Dec 2014 13:49:38 +0000

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