Todays Good Word........How To Guard Our Hearts Beloved, never - TopicsExpress


Todays Good Word........How To Guard Our Hearts Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” (Romans 12:19) All of us have been wronged at one time or another. Most of you, probably, have been wronged seriously by someone who has never apologized or done anything sufficient to make it right. And one of the deep hindrances to your letting that hurt and bitterness go is the conviction — the justified conviction — that justice should be done, that the fabric of the universe will unravel if people can just get away with horrible wrongs and deceive everyone. Why are even Christians miserable? Listen there are two ways of going about life. One is to let everything affect you. OMG he said that, she said that. Who does she think she is? How can he/she do that. See here is no security to your heart. No fire walls to protect your heart. Anything and everything and things that have nothing to do with you has free access into your heart. And, you spend your energy replaying these so called negative issues of what others said and think about you and feel miserable. The other way is to protect your heart. Listen by default our God has filled our hearts its like a well with Joy, Peace, Love ...My friends Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.. .... You know when I visited Jeseralum our guide was telling us how the wars were fought. Apparently there were a group of so called slingers who would go ahead and sling stones over the walls and into the cities water system piling up their cisterns/wells with stones that would choke the water from running out and forcing the people to come out to get water and get captured. My friends this is what happens when we choose not to guard our hearts and mouths...Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life. Put away from you a deceitful mouth And put devious speech far from you.…Satans job is to sling stones at us daily to clog up our wells of joy. But if we choose to put up that wall and guard our hearts the stones will simply bounce back. Not being able to let go of the He said/She said and wanting to have the last word and agreeing to get into the battle of every stone that you think is being thrown at you even when it is not...drains us. That is one of the hindrances to forgiveness and letting grudges go. It’s not the only one. remember we have our own sin to deal with. But it is a real one. We feel that just to let it go would be to admit that justice simply won’t be done. And we can’t do it. So we hold on to anger, and play the story over and over again with the feelings: It shouldn’t have happened; it shouldn’t have happened; it was wrong; it was wrong. How can he be so happy now when I am so miserable? It is so wrong. It is so wrong! This word in Romans 12:19 is given to you by God to lift that burden from you. “Never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God.” What does this mean for you? Laying down the burden of anger, laying down the practice of nursing your hurt with feelings of being wronged — laying that down — does not mean there was no great wrong against you. It does not mean there is no justice. It does not mean you will not be vindicated. It does not mean they just got away with it. No.It means, when you lay down the burden of vengeance, God will pick it up. This is not a subtle way of getting revenge. This is a way of giving vengeance to the one to whom it belongs. When we take a stand and guard our hearts and build that wall and refuse to let it affect us; knowing that God is there to give you the grace and strength when you trust Him. we can so use our energy in a much better way. Does not mean it will easy...the traffic, the marriage, the stubborn child, the vindictive friends, the politics in the office will all be there but it cant rob us of our joy when we have our security and firewalls in place and guard our hearts. Amen. Its a choice you make. No stone can fall into your well without your permission. It is taking a deep breath, perhaps for the first time in decades, and feeling like now at last you may be free to love. Fathere God would you help us to guard our hearts moving forward in Jesuss name we pray. Enjoy and be blessed https://youtube/watch?v=mz5xn6gaWr0 Blessings and have a great day. -mark.d
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 11:57:45 +0000

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