Todays Jumat: (From the Minbar) - The Imam started by saying, All - TopicsExpress


Todays Jumat: (From the Minbar) - The Imam started by saying, All thanks belong to Allah alone, the One who created us from the sperm, to the clot, to the piece of meat, as later shaped by the bone. Allahu Akbar! He created us from nothing to something and will later return us to nothing (after death) before we are later called for accountability in the day of ressurrection. Allahu Akbar! I also bear witness that prophet Muhammad (saw), is Allahs messenger, may Allahs peace continue to be on his noblest soul, his households, his companions and those who believed and followed him till the day of judgement, amin. My brothers and sisters in Islam! Allah has honoured us by making money as part of how we can live a joyous and fulfilled lives. But He (Allah) only gives whoever He likes just as not all will be blessed with such gift. As such, Allah doesnt make it a compulsion on Himself to give us all. So, whoever Allah enriches in this life should not see it as a right but a priviledge. Also, its a test to such person whether he/she will use such wealth judiciously or not. As we all know that wealth can be acquired lawfully or unlawfully, Allah has therefore forbidden us from acquiring it via the later means as such leads to destruction, both here and in the hereafter. If you are that fortunate to acquire it in a lawful way, spend it into a lawful way and means (way of God). By so doing, Allah will keep blessing you and your wealth, He will make paradise your final abode. In other way round, Allah is not and will never be pleased with whoever that acquired his/her wealth unlawfully. If perhaps you think you can cleanse unlawful wealth by spending it in a lawful way, is as good as someone who is trying to cleanse excreater from the body with urine. How will that person be saved from dirt and offensive odour? Thats absolutely impossible! Therefore, my brotheren in Islam, making it in life is not by our might and if we are fortunate, lets spend wisely by giving out to the needy and the poor, because Allah hates miser (those who keep monies without spending). This reminds me of a story Allah narrated to prophet Muhammad (saw), that there were three wreched men. One had a bald head, second with rashes all over his body and the third was blind. One day, Allah sent His angel to them to ask them their needs and they shall be granted. As the angel got to them, he did as Allah commanded and these three men requested that their conditions become normal. The first added that he will also loved to become rich with lots of camels. The second wanted lot of cows and the third who was a blind man requested for sheep in large numbers. Allah enriches them and their lives changed for better. One day again, Allah sent His angel to them in another appearance (poor man) to go and seek for favors from them. On getting to the bald man who now has hair all over his head, the angel asked for money but he refused saying that he inherited his wealth and wouldnt allow to let it finish. The angel left and went to the second man whose rashed skin has become normal. He also said he worked for his money and wouldnt want to share his hard-earned money with people. The angel left and went to the blind man who can now see properly. He said he was nobody before Allah enriches him. He told that angel to go and take as many as possible fleet of sheep and gave him enough money. After all these encounters, Allah returned the first two men (bald and rashes men) to paupers and He worsen their conditions while He (Allah) multiplied the third mans riches and he became successful in life and hereafter. This is to tell you no condition is permanent as only constant thing in life is change. May Allah enriches us and make our wealth (no matter how little), not a source of sorrow but a source of inspiration to seek Allahs rahmah (blessings) in this life and the life to come, amin. As-salaam Alaykum Warahmotullah, Wabarahkatuhu!
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 16:46:05 +0000

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