Todays Meditation Psalm 138:1-5 September 29, 2014 Saints - TopicsExpress


Todays Meditation Psalm 138:1-5 September 29, 2014 Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels I praise your name for your fidelity and love. (Psalm 138:2) Have you ever thought about what it’s like to praise God with all of his angels? We know that the archangels we celebrate today act as God’s messengers to his people, and there are many biblical examples of their work in salvation history. But did you realize that one of the most important roles of the angels of God is to praise him before his throne? What is heavenly worship like? Today’s readings give us a glimpse. Imagine God, the “Ancient One,” on his throne, surrounded by myriads of heavenly beings, with glory shining all around (Daniel 7:9-10). Imagine the angels of God “ascending and descending on the Son of Man,” who has put all his enemies at his feet (John 1:51). The descriptions of angelic worship in the Book of Revelation provide a window for our imagination as well. And let’s not forget the heavenly chorus that announced the birth of Jesus with joyful songs of praise and glory! How do we enter into this joyous celebration? While our times of personal prayer lay an essential foundation, they aren’t the only opportunity. Any time we lift our hearts to the Lord is a chance to take part in heavenly worship. When we go to Mass, heaven touches earth, and we are lifted up into worship. But our hearts can be raised up to heaven just as easily when we are walking down a busy street as when we are kneeling in church. Opportunities can come as we are cooking dinner or driving to work. There’s nothing to stop us from putting on some praise music and dancing around the living room with our children! The angels rejoice when heaven touches earth and when we mortals are lifted up to join them in their chorus of praise! So don’t miss out on the many opportunities you will have today. Ask the Holy Spirit to open the heavens for you so that you can sing and dance and praise and worship the Lord. “Holy Spirit, even though my feet are on the ground, help me to lift my mind and heart to heaven so that I can join all the angels in praising and worshipping God!” Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14; John 1:47-51
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 08:19:25 +0000

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