Todays Thought~ The Courage to Endure Todays thought comes from - TopicsExpress


Todays Thought~ The Courage to Endure Todays thought comes from Romans 5:1-11. In todays world many Christians have become marginalized and persecuted for their faith by a world that has not become justified by faith in Christ. Often more than we care to admit many self proclaimed Christians fail to live out the principles of this passage when faced with hardships. We must recall that Jesus was persecuted, harassed, and killed by those who did not want to hear the truth. Jesus also warned the disciples that they would be suffering a similar fate because of their faith in him and their preaching of his message. As Paul reminds us today in this passage we must stand firm in the faith and grace that Christ has secured for us. Then we must not bemoan our sufferings but rather we are to rejoice in them. For if we are suffering for Christ it means that we have been found to be like Christ in a world that continuously rejects him. We have been reconciled to God so the suffering we endure here will produce endurance, that produces character and character produces hope. It is that hope, a hope that is based in Christ, that we are called to show to the world as we work to plant the seeds of faith. We are not necessarily the ones who will harvest. We must remember that the closer you get to God and the stronger and more effective you become with and in Christ, the bigger the target that you will have. We must not become discouraged when we hit a road block. We must continue to run the good race and stay focused upon Christ. For as Christians we are to become more like Christ each and every day. We also must remember that if God did not have something great waiting for us around the corner, the Enemy would not be working so hard to knock us off the path in vain effort to keep us from getting that gift. Therefore as you go about things today take the time to thank God for the hardships that are refining and growing your faith, knowing that these hardships are nothing but the Enemy coming at one whom he is afraid of and is working to keep from carrying out the mission ordained by God for us to carry out.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Jul 2014 09:46:13 +0000

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