Todays Thought and blah blah blah moment: Ive heard the word - TopicsExpress


Todays Thought and blah blah blah moment: Ive heard the word statistic(s). And the phrase Dont be a statistic used in various contexts lately. Yet applied with and to the same line of thinking, discriminatory to others and self discriminatory at the same time. There are many statistics in what I believe is a faltered way of thinking. -Marriage statistics, divorce statistics, graduate statistics, failure statistics, social assistance statistics, broken home statistics, crime statistics, who what where how and why one might choose to be statistics etc. I believe that the problem starts with being told or indoctrinated, as how to think or perceive any given thing, problem or how to find solutions. When each individual is exactly and simply just that. Einstein said Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid. And definition of Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Both of these ideologies are relevant. If we continue to apply labels and statistics to everyone according to the thinking of originally just one or a few peoples perceptions or how they perceive things. We are bound to repeat the same mistakes. We as individuals do not think, see, view. Form opinions, beliefs exactly the same way. Meaning no one person processes information exactly the same as another. We do not all believe the exact same things. As soon as we unlearn what is really just been indoctrinated by and from one line or way of thinking. And solve problems according to individual needs. While getting a way from labels, which are only really stereotypes. Stereotypes which originated from one line of seeing things indoctrination. We will begin to move away from fitting the line of thought, planning, and conforming to the statistical labeling, and consequently discriminatory and self limitation lines of thinking. And grow as a community of individuals working towards encouraging individual personal growth according to what an individuals strengths, talents are. And individually contributing what we are best and strongest at. If a way of thinking has lead to negative results. Change the thinking. There are many ways of finding solutions. But repeating or applying the same problem solving method to every individual. Expecting the same result, regardless of a few positive over many negative outcomes or vice versa... Madness? Meh... maybe im talking shyte What if I told you each one of us was not unlike a bee or ant. Individual workers for a queen or king in the form of Great Spirit/God and or Universe/Multiverse. Each individual meant to think, learn, process information, feel, all the positive we can individually. Because we all experience, learn perceive and processes differently. AND thusly feed ourselves, our spirits/souls as individuals and nurture our communities, nature, environment Universe, God/Great Spirit. Working individually, yet collectively as part of an immense individual consciousness as a collective unimaginable, ever expanding and multiplying set of conscious subparticles either progressing or digressing? Yet simply meant to expand all consiousnesses and knowledge through wisdom for wrap head around that! Each one teach one and positively work together it, forward baby ;-) We our our brothers and sister, communities, nature, environments, Great Spirits/Gods, Universal/Multiversal keepers! Share the awareness ;-) Written by D.J Ellis-Guertin.
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 17:49:56 +0000

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