Todays advice from the old farmer:* Do you feel unappreciated? Do - TopicsExpress


Todays advice from the old farmer:* Do you feel unappreciated? Do you work hard and treat people decently only to feel unloved and neglected? Its a common reaction among single people (especially single parents), but what do you do when you feel that way? How should you respond when you feel youve been cheated in life? Resentment is cumulative, and if youre not careful, it can turn into bitterness. That makes you old before your time and makes people avoid you. Theres a certain satisfaction in it, I suppose, but the consequences are deadly. You can act as if it doesnt matter how you feel, but deep down, you know it does. Youre only lying to yourself. * Some people are just plain ole stingy... Your boss isnt the only one who is stingy with compliments. Your family, friends, and coworkers may hold back on telling you how much you matter or that youre doing a good job. Sometimes theres a bit of spite at work. People get an odd satisfaction out of not giving you what you want. Maybe they think they can control you that way. When it comes to love, many folks act as if they have a limited supply. Theyre afraid that if they give some to you, they wont have enough for themselves. The lower a persons self worth, the more likely they are to be tight with praise. Especially in the case of a boss, you cant let their problem become your problem. * An unending supply of appreciation Really, when you feel unappreciated, going to God is the only true solution. Now if youre not a Christian, youre going to feel constantly frustrated if youre looking for love and appreciation from other people. Oh, you may get some, but not enough to satisfy your need. Were all hungry for love (though were too proud to admit it), and the only adequate supply of it is from Jesus Christ. Ouch! That Christian stuff again, you may think. Let me ask you this: If you felt unappreciated enough to read this post, would you also agree that whats going on in your life now isnt working? Heres the bottom line. There is a God, he is Jesus, and he loves and appreciates you so much that youll never be able to absorb it all in this lifetime. I dont mean to beat you over the head with Christianity, but I promised that the old farmer would give you the truth here on FaceBook as I know it, and after decades of searching and experience, I sincerely believe Christ is the truth. * Appreciating the unappreciated... Jesus has a rare understanding of what its like to be unappreciated. Many of his listeners rejected his teachings. The Pharisees and Sadducees rejected him as Messiah. At the time, even his disciples were unable to appreciate the sacrifice he made for our sins. Hes well acquainted with the hurt and loneliness you feel. Too often I see singles struggle, thinking nobody cares. Jesus does. He definitely does. Ive said it before but it bears repeating: He is not an imaginary friend, a figment of our imagination, or a myth created by the early church. He is real, He is God, and He loved you enough to go to the cross for you. I cant always feel His love for me, and I know you cant either, but we have to believe the truth, what He said and did for us, instead of our feelings. If you have a cross in your home, it helps to look at it when you feel unappreciated. Jesus died for you once, but His love for you is ongoing--for eternity. Thats appreciation. Grab this truth. Sink it into your brain and let it seep into your heart. Gods opinion of you is the one that really counts. You are precious and valuable to him. *Youre loved, deeply and powerfully. You are appreciated, and if you have a difficult time understanding all this, look me up and let me give you a God given old farmer hug. I love you friend... A chocolate thought for today; Chocolate is Natures Way of Making up for Mondays... Check out the comments for several laughs and a chance to find a huge Monday morning smile to make your day better and for sure, everybody elses day...
Posted on: Mon, 29 Sep 2014 04:00:05 +0000

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