Todays diary 2014 Dec 23rd …two different events 1rst. Early - TopicsExpress


Todays diary 2014 Dec 23rd …two different events 1rst. Early morning! During the work discuss. Me: Disease prevalence in your country is very high as like your country GDP. Colleague: Yes. These are all happening because of high-tech development, needs for advance life style and run after money. Me: That’s why now everyone praises the time of Tang Dynasty. The best social life ever in Tang emperor period. (with disagree) Colleague: That time country was small, life is hard due to war and dead body everywhere . Without war that time was privilege. Me: Military and big country boundaries and more economy are needs of political leaders and high ranked person in order to be stay safe and make slave to public not for us. In generally speaking we can live safely any corner of the world. Colleague: Exactly. If we see animal kingdom, nature made big wild power as tiger and Lions not by politics. 2nd event.. With another friend, after a short relevant talk .., Mate: Oh! You are from Nepal Me: Yeah. My goodness! You still remember. Mate: Beautiful small country Me: Thanks for praise; you are warmly welcome to visit. Mate: Sure! In coming next long holidays. (Curiously) Are you planning to continue work here? Me: Still not consider that option. Mate: You will plan to return. Me: Of course. Your country’s population already reached so high. Mate: So how is the level of development in your country and local society? Innocent way I replied..: (thinking recent situation of nation) We love to stay in natural way and dont rely over physical world of development and fancy style. I cant change myself to adjust here. We love to stay with family relatives and share things with caring neighborhood society. Mate: Yes, those are quite touching and prefer too live in naturally rich place but hard to change myself either.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Dec 2014 14:49:27 +0000

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