Todays meeting at Vics Cafe was attended by the usual suspects, - TopicsExpress


Todays meeting at Vics Cafe was attended by the usual suspects, Jeff Meyer , Ron Clarke sans Jamie Clarke, Krisane sans Bob, Gayle Rychner Johannes sans Steve, Daniel, Ken Shuster sans Micky, Daniel Christensen, DiAnne Walberg, and myself sans Sweetie. (I see a trend here....Maybe our significant others are smarter then we are) Tanie Bruner showed up fashionably late and was positioned in the Kings chair as the Queens chair was occupied. Discussion topics included tin-foil, plastics, choice of head wear, face films and masks, insensitive dicks and pricks(amazing..all guys). Those parenting parents exchanged anecdotes (horror stories). Commonalities of hair styles seemed to be a hot topic on the other end of the table. Spiky look seems to be in vogue, Cant wait to see Jeff and Nick with that look. Religion was covered today by just mentioning Trudy Clegg Cross who could not attend todays seminar due to something she thought was more important. A collection was taken for flowers. Hope was expressed that she is allergic to flowers and has a lengthy recovery. (See insensitive dicks and pricks above) Politics were mentioned briefly when the fringe(Republicans) was discussed and also the radical local Tea Party affliction and their attempt of a complete coup of city government. Sibling and Exes were touched upon and discounted as being immaterial in the grand scheme of things. We had a surprise guest, Deyrl Skelton joined us (apparently just another stop on his Comic Com Tour)(Arlington next stop?)(without spouse..see thought above) and it was great to see him and hear about his experiences. It is great to see old acquaintances. Thanks for making the rest of look better. I could not stay but was informed that Tanie and Jeff were able to spend more time with Deyrl Skelton and maybe they could expound more. Come back any time Deyrl. Next meeting will be at Nifty 50s on the 21st of Oct at 9:22am. That will be 8:48am Tanie time. Hopefully those that have strayed from the group will be able to make the next meeting....Or not. Be safe
Posted on: Tue, 07 Oct 2014 23:06:14 +0000

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