Todays news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.): Does the NSA Spy - TopicsExpress


Todays news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.): Does the NSA Spy on Congress?: A U.S. senator has bluntly asked the National Security Agency if it spies on Congress. Sen. Bernie Sanders raised the question in a letter that he sent on Friday to the NSA director, The Guardian, the Burlington Free Press, The Washington Times, UPI, Congressional Quarterly, The Hill, Politico, Roll Call, The Huffington Post, Washington Examiner, Raw Story, Talking Points Memo, Pando Daily, TechDirt, Buzz Feed, Daily Oklahoman and FoxNews reported. Sanders Cites Court Ruling: Sen. Sanders’ letter to Gen. Keith Alexander cited a ruling last month by U.S. District Judge Richard Leon that the NSAs bulk collection of telephone metadata was probably unconstitutional. Later Friday, the Justice Department filed a one-page notice of appeal asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia to overturn Leons ruling. Sanders has introduced legislation that would limit the records the NSA and FBI may search and would require officials to establish a reasonable suspicion in order to secure court approval to monitor business records related to a terrorism suspect, the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune reported. LINK Secret Court Oks More Metadata: For the 36th time on Friday, a secret federal court approved the National Security Agencys bulk collection of telephone metadata allowing the agency to continue gathering phone records even as dueling court cases moved forward this week over the controversial program. Meanwhile, pressure on the NSA is mounting in Congress. The NSA did not immediately respond to a request for comment on Sen. Sanders’ letter asking if intelligence analysts had ever scrutinized U.S. governmental telephone metadata or electronic communications. The Washington Post reported online. Continue reading here:
Posted on: Sat, 04 Jan 2014 14:47:19 +0000

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