Todays news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.): Obama Budget: - TopicsExpress


Todays news from Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.): Obama Budget: President Obama on Tuesday sent Congress a $3.9 trillion budget that seeks to boost economic growth and reduce the national debt by raising taxes on the rich. Sen. Bernie Sanders told The Ed Schultz Show that the president’s proposals would provide major investments in creating jobs by rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, expanding community health centers and improving the lives and educational opportunities of our children. Obama Retreats on Social Security: Cuts Obama dropped a proposal to change the way inflation is calculated for Social Security and other federal benefits. The budget also contains significant tax increases on the wealthy, tax cuts for the working class and $56 billion in increased spending above the 2015 budget cap. “At a time when the wealthiest Americans are doing phenomenally well, [the budget] asks some of the richest people in the country to start paying their fair share of taxes,” said Sen. Sanders said in The Hill. PoliticusUSA noted that Sanders welcomed Obama’s decision to drop proposed cuts to Social Security. VA Budget: Veterans groups say the proposed Department of Veterans Affairs budget fails to address construction and maintenance needs at VA facilities across the country. The VA proposes to spend about $1.2 billion on construction projects next year, which is about $2.75 billion less than what veterans’ organizations recommend. A provision in a comprehensive veterans bill by Sen. Sanders would have provided funding for leases to 27 facilities across the U.S. and Puerto Rico. But that bill failed last month in a partisan vote, military reported. Save Saturday Mail: “The U.S. Postal Service … provides universal service six days a week to every corner of America, no matter how small or remote. It supports millions of jobs in virtually every other sector of our economy … Yet the Postal Service is under constant and vicious attack … [because] there are very powerful and wealthy special interests who want to privatize or dismember virtually every function that government now performs,” Sen. Sanders wrote in The Wall Street Journal. Continue reading here:
Posted on: Thu, 06 Mar 2014 07:01:32 +0000

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