Today’s Dish Ultimate Cheat Day Fat Boy Special Braised - TopicsExpress


Today’s Dish Ultimate Cheat Day Fat Boy Special Braised Beef Short Ribs with Truffle Mashed Red Bliss Potatoes, Green Beans with Bacon and Caramelized Red Pearl Onions. Components: For Short Ribs Beef Short Ribs Onion Carrot Celery Leeks Garlic Tomato Paste Red Wine Sherry Vinegar Veal Stock (recipe from older post) Rosemary/Thyme/Parsley/ Bay Leaf S&P Olive Oil 1) Blot DRY and season Short Ribs thoroughly with S&P 2) Sear on HIGH Heat browning each side 3) Pull from pan and reserve 4) Add diced vegetables and sweat (approx. 10 min) 5) Add tomato paste and cook out (constantly stirring.. 10 min) 6) Add red wine, sherry vin, and reduce by half. 7) Add Veal Stock, Herbs and bring to boil 8) Add short ribs back to pot. 9) Cover and place in oven for about 2-2.5 hours at 350 F 10) When fork tender, reserve and strain sauce. 11) Reduce sauce based on flavor and desired consistency For Red Bliss Truffle Mashed Potatoes: Organic Heavy Cream Butter S&P Truffle Oil 1) Starting with cold water, boil potatoes whole in salted water (make it taste like the ocean) 2) Drain when potatoes are soft and you can easily withdraw a knife when poked. 3) Add Butter and heavy cream while potatoes are still hot (but dried out a good amount) and smash potatoes with a fork with the skins and everything (country style) adjust cream and butter amounts based on consistency. 4) Whip and season with S&P to taste (you may not need to salt because it will already be imparted from the cooking water. 5) Add truffle oil to taste and mix in thoroughly 6) Cover and reserve For Green Beans: Green Beans Butter S&P Lemon Juice (fresh) Garlic Bacon Red Pearl Onion 1) Render Bacon on low heat until crispy. Reserve 2) Add red pearl onions to pan with bacon grease and continue cooking on low heat (approx.. 25 min) 3) In a separate pan add butter and brown with garlic 4) Add green beans and cook out (approx. 10-15 min) 5) Add small amount of water if the pan starts drying up or burning up 6) Toss all together in green bean pan. Add S&P and lemon juice to taste Now you have a chance to test some of your skills while timing out each component to be finished around each other. Timing is single handedly one of the most important qualities one has as a good chef. It’s extremely important for quality and control. I made the Veal Stock earlier in the week and froze it in quart containers. The recipe is on the Facebook page from a few older posts. Reserve your sauce and treat it like gold. It’s probably one of the more valuable items and a SIGNATURE of any Chef worth their salt. I love this recipe and braised dishes (cooked slowly submerged in cooking liquid) because you have to set things right early. It TRANSFORMS throughout the cookinig process. If you mess up in the beginning or don’t take good care throughout the process, the flavor is directly affected. Much like braised dishes, we must take great care throughout our training and preparations if we want to live to our optimal selves. Like anything in life (or an excellent dish), preparation is everything. Exercise, eat clean, and supplement correctly to follow the recipe for an awesome life. Take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and be proud of what you achieve through hard work and dedication. This is a more advanced dish so please feel free to ask if you have any questions. Enjoy!
Posted on: Tue, 28 Oct 2014 16:28:19 +0000

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