Today’s E-mail “Hate Begets Hate” What is the meaning - TopicsExpress


Today’s E-mail “Hate Begets Hate” What is the meaning of hate begets hate? Begets is an archaic Biblical word meaning gives birth to. The phrase hate begets hate means that ill feelings against a person [or group] may encourage him [or them] to hate you in return. Seldom do people respond to an expression of hate with understanding or kindness, although that would be the honorable ideal. From my experiences gained from growing up in a large family and being in education for 30 years, which provided me the opportunity to work with many levels of people, I learned that hatred can be illogical. Hate has a greater impact on the individual who hates than the person or object being hated. If we teach children hate, we perpetuate hate that does not belong to them. We teach hate by hating and we teach love by loving. If we hate a parent(s), we teach our children to be judgmental of us and they look for grounds to hate us. If we hate a political party and slander it with our vex words [for whatever reason], we are harboring hate that others can see and often feel - at the same time, it destroys us. Overcoming hatred is difficult because hatred reinforces itself and causes greater hate to come into being – it festers and it grows and it consumes us. The most powerful tool one can use to combat hatred is the opposite of hate and that is love. Deciding to love what you hate, whether this is a person, situation, a politician or a part of yourself, can create a deep change in your feelings and your experience. There is little room for anger, dislike, bitterness, or resentment when you are busy loving what you hate. The practice of loving what you hate can transform and shift your emotions from hatred to love, because there is no room for hatred in a space occupied by love. It isn’t healthy to be angry – anger is the predecessor of hate. From mild irritation to intense rage, hate increases the heart rate and blood pressure. And worse, the effects of hate can sometimes be devastating. People who regularly feel steamed up often suffer physical problems such as stomach ulcers, stroke, heart attack and needless death. A Johns Hopkins study of more than 1,000 physicians reports that young men who quickly react to stress with anger and hate were five times more likely than their calmer counterparts to have an early heart attack even without a family history of heart disease. Clearly, anger and hate takes its toll. Additionally, hate terminates friendships, marriages, jobs, family relationships, churches, businesses, and even governments. Holding onto anger leads to hatred, and the continuance of hatred leads to wickedness and even to settling of scores – we see the results of this every day on the 6 o’clock news. It turns brother against brother, parent(s) against children and visa versa. In Islam, anger is seen as a sign of weakness. The Prophet Muhammad said: The strong is not the one who over comes the people by his strength, but the strong is the one who controls him while in anger. In all my experiences, professionally and personally, I can’t recall a single meaningful deed I ever accomplished out of anger – not one! Gandhi once said, “Be the change you want to see in the world.” Loving what you hate sends a positive, beautiful energy to people while spreading peace and harmony to all those in your life and the consequences are endless. Instead of reinforcing hatred, you become an advocate for love. Hatred responds to hate by causing anguish. But hatred responds to love by transforming into blissful peace. There is an old proverb that says, “Before you embark on a journey of hate, dig two graves.” For its true, hate begets hate and love begets love; whichever we select, it is our choice, but only the later provides a positive outcome. Have an Excellent Day! Gene
Posted on: Fri, 01 Aug 2014 20:55:06 +0000

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