Today’s P & W thought: God is faithful ... My dear friends - TopicsExpress


Today’s P & W thought: God is faithful ... My dear friends [especially those who are going through some tough trials right now]… Be truly glad... there is wonderful joy ahead, even though you have to endure many trials for a little while. Today after Sunday service, a friend came to thank me for our prayers, and this is her testimony: She has been married for 10 years but had no children. She was unable to conceive because there was a big fibroid in her uterus. The good thing is her husband was very supportive of her. Despite of not having children, she has always been praying and her faith has always been strong. She said whenever she wanted pray for a baby the Spirit would stop and urge her to just thank God and pray for other things instead -thanking God for what she was blessed with – health, husband, job etc.. I said to her, God knew that if she were praying for a baby she would have put her focus on the mountain ahead of her instead of His goodness and would have made her give up [due to unanswered prayers]. I told her, I had the same experience, when I conceived Lulu at 42years old. At 12 weeks I was tested to check if the baby had Down syndrome [chances of having a baby with down syndrome are higher when you are older]. The amazing thing is, I completely forgot after this - never thought, even worried about that possibility throughout my pregnancy. After delivering Lulu, a friend told me her other friend who was the same age as I, had delivered a Down syndrome baby in the States. That was when I was reminded that I too could have had a Down syndrome baby. God helps us fix our eyes on His goodness and not the trials that we go through, as this strengthens our faith. I am 100% sure if I had remembered this possibility, I would have been worried sick and would have lost focus on God. Now back to her testimony [Sorry I got a bit sidetracked there…LOL]… She told me today that a few weeks back she had been feeling something big was moving on one side of her belly, which prompted her to go see her doctor who suggested she takes a scan. Guess what … the scan showed, the fibroid has disappeared/moved from inside to the outside of the uterus. The doctor said he has never seen such a thing before, and whomever she prays to has answered her prayers. She can now conceive because the new position of the fibroid isn’t very critical. These trials normally show how genuine our faith is. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold--though our faith is far more precious than mere gold. I’ve never seen this lady down, always happy, smiling and always blessing the church ministries in many ways, never heard her saying negative things about her situation … she never left God, trusting that He knows what is best for her. Not only is she seeing some physical healing, but also God is manifesting in other areas of her life in big ways... I asked her to ask God to show her why He allowed her to go through these tests, as I believe whatever tests we are going through are there for a purpose - bring us closer to Him as He builds, strengthens and sharpens our faith, rebuke us and in my friend’s case, I believe she is called to help women who are going through the same trials … married with no children [trouble conceiving - because of fibroids] Dear friend, when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. (1 Peter 1:6-7) What if your faith were never tested? Have a sweet Sunday my good friends … knowing that you will be reaping the harvest Lord promised you and take back what the devil has stolen from you. Just remember that God loves you, He is faithful and will manifest in your situation, just be patient because by His Grace you’ll endure it all.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 09:08:05 +0000

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