Tom Cruise has been cast as the lead in the new film The Last - TopicsExpress


Tom Cruise has been cast as the lead in the new film The Last Salaryman about a band of renegade salarymen that make a last stand against the encroaching tide of modernization sweeping Japan and bringing such awful new trends as equal rights for women in the workplace, promotion based on merit and not seniority and encouragement of individual expression. Cruise is expected to play a gaijin who is initiated into the dying salaryman culture, where he develops a uniquely Japanese taste for tv variety shows, cup ramen, arrogant sneering and strict suppression of any original thought word or deed. There has been much discussion in the media of the controversial climax of the film, which sees Cruise and his defiant band of renegade salarymen being ridiculed to death by young women in a main thoroughfare in Shibuya. Cruise, who is also directing the movie said that shooting the scene was especially painful for him. To see the ancient macho culture of the salaryman brought to such a low point, openly ridiculed by the same people that had previously greeted these men in the office with perky smiles and freshly brewed coffee every day was especially poignant. said Mr. Cruise, who developed such a love for Japan that he has changed his name to Mitsubishi Sayonara and now wears the same black suit and cheap fake leather shoes every day in solidarity with the salarymen of Japan, now faced with extinction, in a modern world that no longer values their creed...
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:48:50 +0000

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