Tomorrow, Sawyer will be going to the Cath Lab. We have been - TopicsExpress


Tomorrow, Sawyer will be going to the Cath Lab. We have been talking about going for nearly a month and now its time to finally send her. Her kidneys levels have not been great and she has had some blood in her stool. With no other known reason for these things, we have to assume they are happening because her heart isnt perfusing her lowers because of her gradient. We have been putting it off for several reasons. The first being that although it is a straightforward procedure (ballooning a narrowing in her aorta), it is not straightforward in Sawyers case. Nothing is straightforward with Sawyer. Her heart has been through so much and the last time anyone got a good look at her tissue, it was very weak. We also arent looking forward to re-intubating her. She has made so much progress off the ventillator, but for this procedure, she will be placed under anesthesia and therefore has to be on the vent. Lastly, with her kidneys being less than optimal right now, the contrast dye they use for cath might not help that situation. We are very nervous to send her. Its always hard sending a happy, alert baby off for a procedure knowing thats now how they will return. Please send all your prayers and positive vibes tomorrow!
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 18:46:50 +0000

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