Toni gave me#10. I dont think I can even count to 10, but Ill - TopicsExpress


Toni gave me#10. I dont think I can even count to 10, but Ill try. #1. I guess I was a semi-slut when I was younger. I had a boyfriend from church, a boyfriend from the neighborhood and one from school and I didnt mind kissing all of them. (jr high) #2 - A class newspaper showed several peoples grade school pictures and under mine it said Spin the bottle anyone? #3. I had two guys ask me to marry them after I married Kenny. They were both long lost boyfriends. Dumb huh? Kenny and I were married after only knowing each other 3 months. I guess that two found out I had a baby and didnt want me to be alone. Kenny had already claimed me and I was happy. Still am, it will be 40 years in March. #4. I like being by myself sometimes, but when I am lonely I want to be with my family and I want them to be there right now! Dont know how I am going to handle Danny and Christy moving to Montana with my grand kids, Taylor and Luke. Boo hoo! #5. I think I am addicted to Sonic also, Mendie. #6. I really enjoy being with my sisters. My fondest memories are with my sisters, from being scared that the boogie man was going to get the one closest to the edge of the bed, to playing farm in Granny and Grandpas yard. Getting beat at tether ball by Kathy wasnt one of the fond memories though. She was tough. #7. Like Matt talking about Danny being better at things, that is the way I always felt about Kathy. She could do every thing better, hit harder, scare me better and always won at any type of game we played. It even seemed that Momma and daddy liked her best too. Loving Kathy was always easy I guess. #8. Mendie holds this over my head, so I am going to tell you know so you dont hear it at my funeral. I have embarrassed her several times by tooting really loud when I am with her in a crowd. Once in the grocery store when a real cute guy was looking at her and I responded Mendie!!!. He looked at her so funny I thought she was going to just die. There have been several other times, but I wont go into that. #9. I have problems with making my mouth and mind work together sometimes. You never know what I am going to say. One time Kathy and I were looking for candy to take to Mendies to eat while we played cards and I was thinking of a crunch bar and saw a Crackle candy bar and I said really loud I Love Crack. Funny thing, she know what I was talking about. #10. When I was little I was jealous of Janie Elliott because she could keep her eyes closed the during the entire prayer. I had mine open to see if she kept hers closed.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 03:19:34 +0000

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