Tonight I learned that its not about what the Lord has done in my - TopicsExpress


Tonight I learned that its not about what the Lord has done in my life, but the mind-boggling thought of who the Lord is. When I first accepted that Christ was real, I couldnt wrap my head around the idea of humility. I used to think humility was about bringing myself down and telling others how weak I am, not weak so that His strength would be highlighted but just that—that Im weak and unable to change. (I still have a hard time trying not to blurt excuse after excuse saying, this is going to take some time.) I used to say things like, Im undeserving of His great love and forgiveness. But very quickly all of that turned into a majorly dismal plight of prideful self-pity. I ran around in circles, crying about my shortcomings every chance I got. I rejected His forgiveness for my sins... Basically, I got too comfortable being negative. I was minimizing His power. I told the Creator of the Universe, God, I dont trust you. How can I change? Im too far gone—past the point of repentance. Wow, now Im beginning to realize how foolish it was for me to have said that over & over again. I dug myself a huge hole underestimating the Lords sovereignty. Having grown up stubborn, learning humility, letting go of bad habits and pessimism are some of the most difficult things Ive had to accept. Tonight I learned that despite the fact changing will be a painstakingly slow process, I now know just how loving, perfect, and patient the Lord is. He understands that I have a hard time dealing with change, yet He constantly remains gracious towards my static tendencies which proves how great His love truly is. He loved us so much He died on the cross for sinners like me and you. I now have hope that by His blood and through His correction, I will one day become perfect. Yes, I am a new creation, but that doesnt mean Im perfect. It doesnt mean I can somehow become perfect through my own power, but only through THE LORDS ultimate power, love, and grace. #inHistime If you made it to the end of this rant, thank you for your time. If you didnt agree with what I said, Im sorry I wasted it. I just want you to know God loves you very much. John 3:16 • For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 09:45:09 +0000

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