Tonight I would like to talk about greed. In all of my life I have - TopicsExpress


Tonight I would like to talk about greed. In all of my life I have only called three other people greedy. I will own that. These three people are my blood relatives. Before my father had been gone three weeks they were discussing making moves to contest my fathers will. I started receiving legal mail from their attorney before my father had been gone six weeks. I was heartsick that this was happening to me during the height of my grief over the loss of my beloved father. It is over mineral right acreage on that cursed farm in West Virginia that until my father, no one but native American Indians and Ashes had lived on. It happens every generation. My grandfather battled his sister over mineral rights from their father, my great-grandfather. It happened the generation before that when my great-grandfather also disputed mineral rights as well as the generation before him. Before my father passed he told me that part of the generational Indian curse on the Ash family (in retaliation for digging the Indian burial mound included this: Before three full moons have passed after my passing greed will come knocking at your door. Do not align yourself with it but distance yourself from it for it will carry the will of evil. My father had a deed that he had held for 45 years to that piece of wretched cursed property that too many lives have been lost on. He had twice in that time litigated the right-of-way for oil production from two surface wells to be removed. He maintained the right-of-way. He split the little oil production checks that came from it four his three sisters a split of the $100.00 or so he got once or twice a year. After the deed was faxed their attorney apologized for not pulling a deed yet demanding money that is held in escrow to be given to my cousins. Yes. I will own it. I will stand before God someday and say that in all of my life I have called three people greedy. Their hate e-mails were atrocious during my grief, accusing my father and me of numerous things. I still do not understand how they did not know the difference between someone being an executor of an estate and someone deliberately trying to take something from another. This entire situation has been silent until my fathers passing. In my grief others chose to attack my beloved father and me. I do believe that I will believe that of these three people until the day I die. It was the singular most hurtful and stressful experience of my life. Now that is off my chest......
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 07:35:48 +0000

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