Tonight Id like to talk a little about unity and commitment. Two - TopicsExpress


Tonight Id like to talk a little about unity and commitment. Two heads are better than one; three better than two. Human beings are capable to doing and creating amazing things. The pyramids. The Great Wall. How did these happen? Its hard to fathom the labor put in, but beyond that, how is it that these seemingly impossible creations are a reality? From the one who came up with the idea to build them to the architects that figure out how it could be done, to those supplying materials all the way to the laborers working in unison to create something that looks to be built by something greater. How you ask? Its because they were working toward a common goal which they put before themselves. In those times, it was most likely because of slavery, which is obviously horrible and because this is Facebook, I will point that out, but my point isnt that; its that people can do the impossible when they all stay true to the common goal. A single ant is no match for a scorpion. However, survival is the most motivating goal there is. A colony of ants working in unison for the common goal can make easy work out of a predator that can even take out a larger predator than itself. They not only are rewarded by surviving, but now also have a bounty of fresh food for their colony. Now, lets say these events each happened a little differently. Lets say when the Great Wall which can be seen from space, was being built. Their emperor Im guessing, but am not historically sure of what the title of the time and location would be for sure, came up with the idea to build a wall to defend china from its enemies. He called on his best architects to devise the structure. As the architects sat, they decided that the empires was completely out of his mind and that such a great feet would be impossible. They decide instead to design the walls in a way that production would be very slow and difficult labor; hoping that it will deter the emperors motivation to build and he will give up.the emperor, however, is a man who dreams the impossible and makes it reality. The materials are gathered for the initial beginnings of the wall 6 weeks late not only because of the architects asking for ridiculous materials, but also because those gathering the materials are being paid horribly and so they dont really care when how fast they load. Theres nothing in it for them; no opportunity. They will gather materials and live poorly either way. The project finally gets underway and the emperors men are there to manage the project. The general is old, fat and toward the end of his career. He doesnt want to be put out, so he sends his lieutenants to watch over things. His lieutenants have no knowledge on how to actually do the job, so they take one worker that does each job and puts them and run them ragged doing it for them. Soon, they become arrogant and are more of a burden than a help. The worker is frantic to keep his area going, however none of them has any power to do what needs to be done in order for their individual aspect to get the complete job done. Again, the progress slows dramatically. The workers doing the work see nothing but chaos, shortages, lack of tools, etc., and dont work as hard because morale is zero and they are also being malnourished because of the lag in supplies. Six years later, the emperor, though very disheartened by the lack of progress is still determined that its not over. The wall however, is only 9 miles long. Suddenly, they are attacked and the wall is not big enough to protect them. China is taken over by Russia. Upon becoming the U.S.S.R., China and Russia are both now the same country. There is no Cold War, because you dont win a land war/ arms race against U.S.S.R. When Chinas a part of it. We also become absorbed as a Communist nation of the U.S.S.R. I guess are actually back pretty close to where we are now in a way, but it doesnt matter to all the people working on the wall and supplying it because they all were slaughtered. Lets change up the ant/scorpion scenario now. A messenger worker ant arrives and inform the queen that there is a scorpion coming their way. She orders an immediate attack. Its their only hope as the scorpion is picking off scavenger ants left and right. They will starve. She sends out her soldiers. Many of the soldiers, however, had to run and stash away some of the food for when and if they get back in case they lose. A few more were terrified of the scorpion and refused to go out. A few more vanished outside the nest to hide. They Felt that killing a scorpion would be impossible. Those remaining poured out of the nest and straight at the scorpion. By this time, nearly half of the soldiers never made it to battle. Many more ants were killed in the initial charge because the were easier to pick of with less numbers of ants to target. The ants desperately pour onto the scorpion from every direction and star biting. The scorpion swats and flails and ants go flying in every direction. A spin knocks off more. Hamas they scurry back toward the scorpion and smaller, scattered rushes, the scorpion claws them, stings them swats and spins them until finally, he finishes off the last few. He then picks off worker after defenseless worker until the colony and the queen are no more. What happened in each second scenario is the same thing; the group put themselves before the common good. The impossible will never become possible to those who put their own wants and needs before the goal. The only way mere mortals can do immortal things is if they all work together and put the common good before theyre own selfish desires. Hurting the common good hurts you too. All fish must swim in the same direction for the same purpose; helping each other to break the net. Get the job done. The trick is making that happen. Thats how you move mountains. Thats how you go to the moon and back.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 03:45:22 +0000

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