Tonights recipe: Get yourself a hunk of fresh salmon from - TopicsExpress


Tonights recipe: Get yourself a hunk of fresh salmon from Trader Joes because it was recently rated #2 in a blind taste test behind Costcos fresh salmon and you cannot handle a Flintstone-sized salmon filet. Trader Joes it is, then. In a Pyrex nesting bowl, the size you have used to mix pancakes and jello and scrambled eggs for the many years you have owned the daggone bowl, dribble in about a fourth cup of soy sauce. I use low sodium soy sauce because it makes me feel altruistic. Add some chopped up green onions, and if your green onions are slightly mushy, like mine were, find the least mushy parts and use those. Vow to be better about your green onion management in the future. Tablespoon or so of olive oil, some fresh ginger (watch for the moldy bits. Another optional ginger management vow may be made), salt, and squeeze in half a lime. Now, you may have heard that limes are scarce but for Petes sake, live a little. Tablespoonish of brown sugar and stir that marinade into a integrated whole. Take the fish and put it in a gallon-sized Ziploc bag. Say a little thank you to the fishy who gave its life for your meal. Marvel at the size of that sucker when swimming and worry about your upcoming beach trip. Pour the marinade into the baggie over the marauding salmon monster and zip it up. Remember that you forgot garlic and wonder if garlic is that important and then decide that it is because you read a recipe on the NYT website earlier that called for garlic powder, so theres an ringing endorsement for you. Pour in a teaspoon or so of garlic powder and feel rather hip and SoHo-ish. Moosh the marinade over the fish and let it sit for 15 mins. Heat your oven to 375. Now, you are not doing this on the grill because that would mean youd have to clean the grill grates and oil them which is totally a job for a cabana boy now that you mention it and there doesnt seem to be a cabana boy ready to hand. Tear off a piece of aluminum foil larger than the size of your slab osalmon because you will be sealing that sucker up. Spray it with Pam and think of Pamela Slim AND Pam Hazen and wallow in General Good Feeling. They are great women. When the salmon has marinated enough (which is relative, dont you think?), put it on the Pammed foil, skin side down. Pour the juicy parts of the marinade onto the fish but keep out the big chunks oonion and ginger. Take another piece of foil and lay it over the top, sealing the edges. Slide it into the hot oven. Set the timer for 10 minutes. Relax. Chill. Text with Gretchen Pisano or something. Ding, ding, ding. Check your fish. Does it look sort of flaky? Stick a fork in there and give it a little wiggle - if it gives, its probably nearly done. Turn on your broiler and take off the top layer of foil. Broil for 2 minutes to give it some color and get that brown sugar carmelizing. Remember that half-a-lime? Use the other half and squirt all over the fish before you serve it. Put the rind down the garbage disposal for a fruity, fresh scent your guest will remark upon. [channeling the 1960s] Serve immediatly with Mahatma Yellow Rice. Seriously. Do you know this stuff? It has turmeric - the life-giving super food youve only just heard about! It turns everything yellow! And I mean everything! Plus, its 99 cents a package! Trendy AND budgetty! Steamed broccoli as a side dish because you are attempting to out-Gywneth everybody without really saying that out loud. Bon appetit!
Posted on: Mon, 02 Jun 2014 22:48:44 +0000

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