Top 10 Possible Reasons for End of the World Obviously World is - TopicsExpress


Top 10 Possible Reasons for End of the World Obviously World is not end on 21st December 2012 and it didn’t,and I know and believe that i’ll live until 2050 at least(I Pray that I live until 2150),However it doesn’t means that world will never end, obviously everything has an end and the world has also an end,However by the word “world” i am referring to the existence of human and life on this earth and by the word “End” i am not saying that ever Human being will die or their will be no life i am just saying that very few will live. So,here we will be listing the Top 10 possible reasons for End of The World- 10.Super Volcano- Volcanoes,Here i am not talking about those small scale volcanoes,Their are numbers of Volcanoes all over the world and some of them are too large that they can be reason for the End of the World,Like the Volcano in Yellowstone(USA),Lake Toba in Indonesia, Taupo in New Zealand, and Aira Caldera in Japan.These Volcanoes are too large and dangerous that their eruption can damage the atmosphere of 1000 cubic kilometers causing various types of problems for the existence of life on the earth. 9.Asteroid- Asteroids are the reasons for the End of Dinosaurs from the Earth,They are large and they can destroy the whole life on the earth,In the 15th century an asteroid was the reason of 10,000 deaths in China,and in 1908 an 200 feet wide asteroid was seen above Tunguska, Siberia whose explosion was 1000 times more powerful then the Nuclear Blast in japan.However it’s possible that we can destroy some of them before they reach on the earth but impossible if they are in large numbers,however we can easily determine and calculate the day when they will reach on the earth. 8.Robots- We are trying to make Robots with Actual Sense,Intelligence like we have(Humans) and consciousness which is sometimes termed as Artificial Intelligence,Obviously Robots are much powerful then us and any Wrong step and Error can cause lots of problems,means they are programmed and any programming error can cause lots of problems. 7.Alien Invasion- Aliens,We have already seen lots of movies regarding this and obviously no one knows what’s the truth?However,their is no evidence of Aliens until now but i believe on their existence and the day their will be any meeting between us and the aliens only God know what the day will be,However surely it will change the whole Human history. 6.Mass Insanity- According to World Health organization about 500 million People all over the world are suffering from some kind of psychological problems,And day-by- day the numbers of people suffering from some kind of Depression is increasing and it’s believed that by 2020 the Depression will be the second most cause of death all over the world and if it increase in the same way,then it can be too dangerous. 5.Disease Epidemic- Epidemics,One of the Major reason for Millions of Death since we are on the earth,Some of them are well known like Plague which has cost Millions of life,Different types of flu and lots of other diseases like this. 4.Collapse of Ecosystem- Every specs on the earth has it’s own importance and plays an important role in the ecosystem and helps the life to survive on the earth and if any one of the specs is in danger means danger to the whole life on the earth.and we already know lots of specs are in danger. 3.Global War- Global War,Their are thousands of war from the day the Human history is known,Which has cost Millions of life all over the world,However day by day the way of war is changing,In Most of the Modern World Wars Civilians are never involved but we have already seen Two world war and their results which has costed Millions of life and we should always remember that we have Nuclear Missiles too which are capable of destroying the whole Humanity. 2.Global Warming- Global Warming,One of the hottest topic in the modern world and one of the thing to be worry, the way our climate is changing can be really dangerous for the Future of Humanity and life on the earth. 1.Failure of Governments(Every one Fighting for his existence)- Failure of Government can be one of the reason for end of the world,By Failure of Government I mean to say that the day when there will be No Governance, no Law and order,the day when all the government agencies will fail to work,It will be like that the whole world will be going through a crisis. There can be thousand of Reasons for the failure of Government,Remember here I am pointing that the Government will Fail to Fulfill all the requirements of the citizens like Food,Medicine and water which are essential for the Survival of a Human being.Obviously it will be like a Crisis when all over the world every human will be fighting for his survival.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Dec 2014 07:11:58 +0000

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