Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines - - TopicsExpress


Tracking Bible Prophecy Headlines - 12/25/2014 (Click on See More to view all of todays headlines and visit my website above to link to the stories.) ISIS downs warplane over Syria, claims capture of Jordanian pilot US military: Jordanian jet not shot down by Islamic State in Syria UN urges humane treatment of Jordanian pilot captured by ISIS US-led forces launch 17 air strikes against ISIS in Syria, Iraq Grisly finds in Iraqi Yazidi village taken back from ISIS militants Suicide bomber kills dozens in town near Baghdad New issue of jihadist magazine produced by al-Qaeda in Yemen suggests attacks on U.S. IDF Chief Gantz: Attacks will not go unanswered Footage reveals Hamas rebuilding military positions Terror attack thwarted: 4 Palestinians carrying pipe bombs arrested Israel approves construction of 380 housing units in East Jerusalem Likud comptroller disqualifies Netanyahu from Likud leadership race; PM likely to appeal Israeli police probing major political corruption case BBC chief: Anti-Semitism makes me question Jews future in UK Assam killings take on ethnic hue: Over 70 killed in Bodo attacks, 250 missing Protesters Near Ferguson Injure Cops with Bricks, Explosives After Officer Kills Armed 18-Yr-Old Crowd Protesting Antonio Martins Death Shut Down Highway Google alert: Internet giant alerts FBI to Colorado threat against police Sony Pictures to put disputed satire film The Interview online Wednesday New Study Adds to Skepticism Among Security Experts That North Korea Was Behind Sony Hack GPS used to track some immigrants caught at border Prosecutor calls for all airline workers to be screened after alleged gun smuggling ring broken up Lavrov: Violation of Intl Law by Some Countries Threaten Global Stability Russia says NATO turning Ukraine into frontline of confrontation Ukraine Briefly Cuts Power to Crimea Amid Feud With Russia Over NATO Russian Inflation Exceeds 10% in December on Rubles Decline Russias central bank to help companies meet debts in initiative to shore up ruble Vodka prices: Putin calls for cap amid economic crisis Sliding oil prices leave socialist Venezuela on brink of financial collapse Did The Saudis And The US Collude In Dropping Oil Prices? 5.5 magnitude earthquake hits near Namie, Japan 5.3 magnitude earthquake hits near Chirovanga, Solomon Islands 5.2 magnitude earthquake hits near Tual, Indonesia 3.7 Earthquake Rattles Challis Idaho Colima volcano in Mexico erupts to 20,000ft Unusual blizzard gives Hawaii summits a White Christmas Scientists use skin cells to create artificial sperm and eggs 10th Egyptian reported dead from bird flu New Tick-Borne Bourbon Virus Is Deadly And Unlike Anything Previously Seen In U.S. CDC technician may have been exposed to Ebola due to lab error Feds give emergency approval to new Ebola testing kit for Americans Why the Supreme Court might hear a gay marriage case soon Ten Commandments Judge: City Foolish for Allowing Atheist, Wiccan Prayers at Council Meetings Satanic display at Florida Capitol damaged Witches In India: 10-Year-Old Boy Mutilated And Sacrificed In Order To Help Killers Wife Get Pregnant Through Magic
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 05:43:06 +0000

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