Tracy Knauss THIRTY MORONS AND THEIR KOCH CONNECTION — On a daily basis these morons make claims that make us shake our heads, How can anyone in office be this damned crazy!? Worse yet, these morons are in the minority of the minority party yet they are calling the shots that led to our governments shutdown!! Whats wrong with this picture? Congresswoman Michele Bachmann says We are living in the End Times and she is among those 30 idiots who House Speaker Boehner is deathly afraid of. And he has good reason to be afraid. Yesterday 21 not so rabid House Republicans signaled theyd vote along with 200 House Dems on a clean continuing resolution to re-open our government. Today, that number has drastically decreased below the critical limit we need to restore our federal government. Why? Because those moderates were threatened to be challenged with Koch money in their Congressional primaries in 2014. The same threats have been made against the House Republicans who wouldnt sign on with the other 80 House members in their demand that Boehner shut down the government if Obamacare couldnt be killed. They will be challenged with Koch money. And get this, last night Rachel Maddow reported that on the night of Obamas inauguration for his second term, Republicans met privately and agreed to shut down the government if Obamacare wasnt killed. Thats why they voted 42 times to kill it in the House. Forget the fact that its the law and was Obamas platform that won him a second term by a modern record margin of five million votes. And that the Supreme Court confirmed its constitutionality. Because these TEAbillies dont mind shutting down the government because they hate government. They are too ignorant to have read the Constitutions preamble that mandates Congress to promote the general welfare. They are morons running our government as the minority party BECAUSE they have the Koch Machine backing them. Folks, its that simple. And today the Supreme Court seemed posed to throw out virtually all limits to individual campaign donations, creating Citizens United on steroids. We Democrats need to stay on top of this and spread the word by understanding the basics I just mentioned. The billionaires goals are to destroy our government so their taxes can be lowered because having $50 billion isnt enough, and so the EPA can be eliminated so the Fossil Fools and their Mother Fracking partners can continue raping our environment for their personal financial gains. Our only possible solution, short of armed revolution, is to occupy the voting booths in 2014 and elect as many Democrats as we can. And to protest states that push voter suppression legislation and states that are looking at allocating their electoral votes based on Congression districts, which in this past election would have made Romney the winner. Stay tuned. We are in the battle of our lives.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 14:25:19 +0000

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