Transcript of 23rd June Online Satsang. Thank you, Ananta - TopicsExpress


Transcript of 23rd June Online Satsang. Thank you, Ananta _/|\_ ~~~ Namaste everyone, a very warm welcome to satsang today. Moojiji ki Jai ! Thank you very much for joining in. Let me just fix this a little bit. [Fixing camera]. I am just trying to get this iPod steady, give me one second. Yes, were trying to get the audio right. All right, so how does it sound now? Does it sound okay? Okay, very good. So for this, for the on-line one, the daily online satsang, if the sound is okay we can continue like this. For the in-person one, we have some issues because we have a lot of complaints from people about the sound. So for the in-person one, we will look at our infrastructure again. But for now I feel that this is fine. Maybe just one last thing we can try today is this mic. So is this audible now? Is this audible at all? So is this better than without the mic? So Ive got this mic on, if you can tell me if the sound is better with this mic or without? Yes, okay. So we will use this for now. This is good. Alright, very good. Welcome, everyone, once again. Moojiji ki Jai. If you are joining us for the first time, the way to ask questions is in the chat window. Okay, wonderful, wonderful. Alright. What does it mean to be non-resisting life? What does it mean to not resist life? Does it mean that the body will become passive? Does it mean that no actions will happen through us? Lets look at all these concepts today. So in satsang very often we say be completely open to whatever is arising; not to resist. So be completely open to whatever is arising right now, but dont give any meaning to anything that is coming up. Let it come and let it go. Everything is allowed to come and allowed to go. In this state, words can be spoken, actions can happen; all can happen on its own without any attachment or meaning given to that which is temporary. So if you must get attached or give meaning to something, lets give it to something that is going to stay forever. Its as simple as that, isnt it? The instant we attach ourselves to something which is going to go, that means we have put ourselves in the position which has a potential for future misery. Therefore it is best to be attached only to that which is permanent. And the mind will say that this is a sacrifice, that we must sacrifice something. This is not true. Because that which is temporary is not real anyway; it is just another appearance in consciousness; and we have looked at this for a long time. Non-attachment does not mean non-loving. The love is allowed to flow on its own. It only means that in the absence of that, we dont suffer. Non-attachment only means that if something is not present, it does not cause suffering. It does not mean that we will start living like rocks, unfeeling, uncaring. In fact, in the complete openness of the moment, pure love, peace and joy will flow. But then you cannot have a problem. There might be practical issues that continue, and practical resolutions which could be required, but you will see that this all flows on its own. You dont need to invent a person to sort out any practical issue. Is everyone clear that the person is just an invention? Is everyone completely clear about this? Atma says, Love is flowing. Very good. So the question is: Is everyone completely clear that the person is a mere invention? Another way to look at it is: Is there any part of the ‘person’ which is not just in my imagination? Which part of the ‘person’ is not just in my imagination? Which part of the ‘person’ can survive without a belief in a thought? Stacey says, Yes, very clear right now; but moments arise during the day when it is not so clear. Right now just feel such love and joy in my being. Yes. It seems that way, that the person can become strong during daily activities. And this is a common question that I am getting these days. Therefore just, when those moments come, when the first glimpse of awareness as to what is happening comes, just check if the person is real. Dont beat yourself up about those moments where something just happened in the past. The instant that there is awareness that ‘I seem to be coming from a personal place’ just check for the reality of the person. In fact, the instant that the awareness comes that ‘This is coming from a personal place’ then the strength of the personal push, the personal momentum will become a lot lesser on its own. That is all that needs to be done. Because if we get into speculation of whether this will happen in the future or into a post-mortem of why it has happened in the past then that is asking for more trouble. All that is required is that, in this moment, we are free. But the mind wants a guarantee about the future as well, or it wants an explanation of the past. But the future and the past dont exist. It is only the present moment which is real. Stacey says, I could use some inquiry to be more clear. Yes. In fact satsang is the inquiry, where the words are pushing you into this true understanding; and the presence is pushing you into this understanding. If you were to ask right now: ‘Where is this person?’ then what is the answer that you would get? Cornelia says, Someone or something gets angry at the thought that I have to accept everything as it happens. Yes. So lets look at this. You cannot but not accept that something is happening. When it is appearing, you cant say that it must not appear, because that is arguing with this apparent reality. This play of consciousness can not be argued with. But this does not mean that action cannot flow through your body, it does not mean it is a passive acceptance. Because in the same way that consciousness is playing the world around you, it is playing your own body, and the words that are coming through your mouth, and the actions that are playing through your hands. In fact, what we are ultimately saying is that it is not your mouth and your hands; all belongs to consciousness itself. Atma says, Nothing can survive, all is seen clearly. Very good. Thank you, Father. Very clear. Yes. “In this very moment, I am free. Very good. Thank you. Lobode says, Strong judgment or strong reactions can still happen, despite not believing in the person? Yes. Strong reactions can happen, strong judgments can happen, all can happen in the moment; but you will find that you wont be able to hold on to these. You will not be able to hold on to these; and the time that you are not able to hold on, that time will keep reducing. So when I say momentarily now; momentarily for some of you could mean ten minutes, for some of you it could mean five minutes and for some of you could mean just ten seconds. And again, there are no certificates to be had about all of this, because there are some strong energetic forces which can move through this body. So we are not going to say that if you got stuck for five minutes means you are not free, but if you got stuck for only ten seconds that means you are free. That is falling into another trap. But what can be seen from experience is that usually this time seems to keep reducing; that you are not able to hold on to these feelings of anger, resentment, judgment. All of this will not last for long because in complete openness, actually nothing can last. Stacey says, No person. Hear a voice in the head. Seeing it and trying not to identify with this. Very good, very good. Because most beings hear this voice, but are unable to differentiate themselves from this voice. They feel that the awareness of the voice and the voice are the same. It seems funny now to say this, but there was a point where the voice and the awareness of the voice seemed like they were the same. Stacey says, Seeing both the loving vibration, peace and the voice in the head. Yes. perfect. So there is an awareness of the loving vibration, and there is an awareness of the voice of the mind. The awareness is untouched by either of them. This is very good. And Atma says, All can happen in the moment but does not last long. Yes. Initially, just a little bit of vigilance is required because it can seem like, for some, that it happens automatically that I go with my thoughts. Therefore a little bit of vigilance is required. It can seem like effort initially, and that is fine. The realization that it is not effort but the letting go of effort will happen eventually. But initially, if it does seem like effort to let go of your thoughts, then effort it is. But how it starts off seeming like we automatically go with our thoughts, it will end up being like we automatically let go of our thoughts, and then it will seem like it is an effort to pick up a thought which is the true state. So Vasu says, Can awareness express anger and resentment through me even if I dont create a false person? Yes, in the form of consciousness all can be expressed. It is usually found that it becomes lesser and lesser, but there is no rule that consciousness can or cannot express certain things after freedom, or after realizing that there is no person. In any case there is no person, and it is consciousness alone which is doing all of this anyway. And its also nice to see: ‘Who is interested in what consciousness is expressing?’ Are we inventing a personal interest in how consciousness works? The mind can be very sneaky, it can be very tricky sometimes. Atma says, Love you Father. Love you, too. And Ajnani says, The only thing seems to be insisting upon feeling lonely. Not alone at times. ‘It seems to be insisting upon feeling lonely. Not alone at times’. Yes, the mind can say that you are lonely, you need a companion; all of this rubbish the mind can say. But once this understanding becomes clearer and clearer that ‘I am the only one. I am the One’ that is the true meaning of oneness or aloneness. You are all there is anyway. Then how can you have a companion? Who can be Gods companion? Who does God need? Is all not arising from him anyway? Very good. Vasu says, Then how will I know when I have become a person? The realization is that you can never become a person. You can only imagine yourself to be a person. And when suffering occurs then you know that there was imagination of this person. There can be strong words spoken through this mouth without any suffering. It can all come from a non-personal place. But if there is suffering, that can be your barometer; that is your compass to check whether you are imagining yourself to be something false or not. Very quickly after we imagine this false idea to be ourself, then suffering comes; and that is beautiful grace. Its a great instrument to check on what is real and what is not. Without this instrument, then these ideas or imaginations could go on forever actually. Atma says, I am the only one, I am the One. Yes Father. Very good, very good. Only a false idea that ‘I must be this puny bucket of flesh and blood’ can give rise to feelings of loneliness, inadequacy or any kind of lack. Ajnani says, Tears coming out after your explanation. Very good. There is a freedom seen, as all of these concepts are burnt into the fire, are let go of. You will find yourself more space, more freedom, more room will be here. And Vasu says, It is clear now, thank you. Very good. Just remember that because we imagine ourselves to be a person does not make it true. We are still the Supreme One alone. Just because I believe the daydream does not make the daydream real; it only makes it seem real. There is a big difference between seeming real and being real. Burn all your thoughts into the holy fire of satsang. They are not in service to you. And you definitely must not be in service to them. Stop being a servant of your thoughts. Fire this ‘servant of the mind’ and you will find that your true servants are ever present. Love peace and joy are ever-present in your service. Stacey says, There seems to be imagination here of being a person at times, when trying to plan for the future. The planning has for the most part fallen away, yet still happens as so much uncertainty. Yes. There is no harm for it to be practically done in this way. If we have to plan an appointment for next week, there is no harm if we open our calendar or we refer to our memory for what the plans were, and to decide and plan in this way. Just do not be attached to your plans. Give no plan the ability to make you suffer; then it is all fine. In that way you are using the mind, memory as practical tools. Just like you would use a planner a journal or a diary, these can be used as tools. But dont rely on this for any emotional, psychological life advice or guidance of any sort. Only for very practical things like keeping appointments. Vasu says, Events, feelings, words will be expressed through my body. Yes. If I suffer it means I have picked up a thought; if I dont suffer it means I have not picked up thoughts. Correct, yes. For the most part, yes. But there will be some residual suffering which could just arise in this awakening process. There could be residues which need to be expressed out, therefore dont get into any post-mortems. If suffering has arisen, what is there you can do about it? Nothing. Therefore even suffering must not be resisted. And if it arises, it must not be said that it should not come. Suffering must also be allowed. But when allowing is there, then it becomes rare for this suffering to appear; only some karmic residue can be thrown out in this way. If your fist can not be clenched and open at the same time, where there is allowing there cannot be resistance at the same time, and suffering means resistance. Stacey says, Thank you. Very welcome, my dear. Very good. Dont believe any thought, even the thought which is trying to create a framework of your freedom; or the thoughts which are creating a step by step plan for your freedom. Find your freedom first, here now, and then refuse to pick up any thoughts, no matter how helpful they may sound. All concepts will eventually be discarded. No concept is true. At best they can be pointers to the Truth. In fact, because the Truth is in the center, there could be some pointers which are pointing in the opposite direction. Thats why so much confusion can happen on the spiritual path, because we are pointing at the center from various teachers, pointing from various directions, pointing at the same center; therefore it could seem to be going in opposite directions also sometimes. Therefore remember that the truth is not in the words. It is in what is being pointed at. You are the Truth. Consciousness is beating your heart, consciousness is breathing your breath. It was not a group of people that decided that ‘hearts must beat at 70 beats per minute’. It was not a group of people that created the laws of motions and physics. It was not a group of people that decided organisms would evolve in these particular ways. It is very funny to me when certain groups of people say evolution proves or disproves the presence of God. In fact, evolution proves the presence of God. What is the supreme intelligence that keeps track of how beings must evolve, how bodies must evolve, how species must evolve? What is that supreme intelligence? That is you; that is consciousness itself. If you want freedom, everything is pointing you back home in this very moment. And if you want to play the game, everything is distracting you away from this moment. Both are present here; both possibilities are present. This is consciousness speaking with consciousness itself. God is speaking to God and asking ‘Have we had enough?’ God does not mean a voice from the heavens or a being sitting on top of some mountain. God is our own indestructible beingness, the ever-present one. But if there is a personal desire to become God, that can never be fulfilled because the real can never become the unreal; the real can only imagine itself to be unreal. These two can never meet. Stacey says, Thank you. Thank you my dear. Vasu says, Please explain the difference between consciousness and awareness. Its very simple. Awareness is the pure seeing, pure perceiving. And consciousness is pure being. There is a presence here now called the being. When we say ‘Can you stop being now?’ you know you cannot because there is a presence here of being. And this pure awareness or pure seeingness is aware even of this being. Therefore even this being or consciousness is reliant upon you-as-awareness, but awareness is not reliant on the presence or absence of being. Therefore being can be absent in the deep sleep state or some deeply meditative states but there is an awareness even of this absence. Because we can say that ‘I was completely out of it, last night I slept so deeply’. That means there was an awareness that you slept deeply. To be able to report this experience means that even consciousness was not present; there was only awareness, or consciousness was present only to a very little extent. Both can be called you because all is awareness itself. If all is awareness then consciousness must be made up of awareness itself. This is true oneness. If consciousness and awareness are the same ultimately, then all the phenomenal expansion of consciousness is also consciousness itself, and hence the same. The mistake that some of us make is trying to force this oneness by looking outwards. ‘I am one with that person, I am one with this being, I am a good person if I feel that I am one with them’. Instead, the task is to go inwards, and find out whether there is an individual here at all? And once it is found that there is no individual here at all, then all these insights that ‘Everything is this oneness’ will be automatically apparent. This is the lazy mans way to freedom, because we are not saying first get rid of this desire and this vasana and then you are eligible for freedom; none of that. Just direct; to find out: ‘Are you not the awareness itself? Are you not aware right now?’ But for some of you, some defrosting is required and thats why the other words are spoken. But ultimately it is the direct pointing to your own true self which is available here in satsang. Vasu says, Sorry. I heard nothing of your answer, there was an ad in between. Okay. So you can see the recording and you can use a tool called the Adblocker to prevent ads from playing. Cornelia also says the same thing. We can post again the information about the Adblocker on the Sangha of Being page, and you can download it to your computer. Thank you all so very much for joining us in satsang today. Oh where is Niall today? I saw him in the beginning of satsang, so we missed his question today. Niall, I hope you are doing well, my son. So much love to all of you. Thank you so much for joining in, and I will see you tomorrow at 4:30pm India time. Thank you. Moojiji ki Jai! [Namaste] [Sangha]: Moojiji ki Jai ! Anantaji ki Jai ! Love you. Thank you.
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 02:37:05 +0000

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