Transcript of Satsang with Sri Sri on 22-Aug-2014 at Amphitheatre, - TopicsExpress


Transcript of Satsang with Sri Sri on 22-Aug-2014 at Amphitheatre, Bangalore Ashram. … … … Question: Guruji are you an incarnation of Buddha or Krishna? And please don’t say that you are both. You were born enlightened or you got it at a later stage? Sri Sri: Don’t worry who I am. First you realize who you are? … Question: Gurudev I religiously do my practices regularly but still I get negative thoughts, what to do? Sri Sri: Let them come. If you are sweeping the floor, dust will arise a little bit. So whatever is arising is because it so going out, so don’t worry. Have that confidence. Know that you are above all these negative thoughts. Question: Where I work has very much of politics, how to escalate it? Sri Sri: See, in society there will be people and so will be politics. You concentrate on your work and proceed further. There are so many things to do, move forward. If you look for faults then you will find many. Don’t look for faults. Don’t tell others about their faults unless they come and ask you. But yes, if you feel so that something might harm the entire organization then you should escalate it to your boss. So if you feel in your heart then you tell. Question: Why do we make mistakes? Sri Sri: You make mistakes because you feel that you will get some happiness by doing it. You fall pray to this greed. In this world if a mistake happens, it is only because of false notion that you will get some benefit out of it… Do meditation… …. Question: I know that you have planned my life. But sometimes I am scared when bad times come. Sri Sri: When it happens, it happens. Don’t worry about it now. In life there are so many planets affecting our lives. If time is not good, then even a small problem will appear to be big and might disturb you. But you have faith that this will go away. You cannot control the clouds, they come and go on their own. Similarly these bad times come and go, don’t worry. … You might have to go through one or two sleepless nights. But it wll go. It will be there for only two and a half days. … Here dispassion plays a very important role. We all are going to die one day. At the end, this dispassion will make you free from all these fears. You relax. I am divine light…. … Pravratti, Nirvratti. When in Pravratti, don’t sit when wrong things are happening. At that time find faults and correct them. If you are walking in a garden and if some plants are watered but some are not, then go and pour water. Pick up if some …. Nirvratti is to know that everything is happening on it’s own. Meditation happens in this stage. This is wisdom to know when to act and when to relax…. We do it vice versa! This is wrong. Wise man will do what needs to be done and when to relax. …. … Leave everything and meditate. And after getting up from mediation, perform the actions, work. Work in Pravratti. Meditate in Nirvratti. When you are eating then don’t eat while sleeping. Do things at their place. Small kids don’t know this bifurcation, they do everything everywhere. This is ‘avivek’. Sleep on bed, don’t eat on bed. Eat in dining hall and don’t sleep in dining hall. …. Dispassion gives you energy, to act when needed. … There are two kinds of people, some say only work. Some say only meditate. Both are wrong. This needs to be balanced. Question: My friends say that I am very lucky. What is good luck? Sri Sri: That what you have is good luck! (Laughs) …. Fate is there, planets also tell something about your future. But to what extent is decided by grace. … Fate will do it’s work. If you are to get hit by bullet, then you will get hit, but you will be wearing a turban and bullet will hit that turban. Question: Gurudev, how to deal with people who speak too much? Sri Sri: Why do you have to bother about them? Don’t bother, let them speak. You don’t listen! All those who wish to join politics, definitely join, those who want to do business, go ahead, those who want to go to cinema theatre, they can also go! Put your 100% in what you do. How many are not on twitter yet? Join today itself and follow ✅Twitter/SriSri . I am tweeting in Hindi also sometimes. Tweeted in English, now I will tweet in Hindi also. Guided meditation is necessary because your mind is always chattering! I know your mind much much better than you think you know about it! Question: Who came first, human or monkey? Sri Sri: Nowadays they come together! Who knows who came first, some say monkeys came first, some say humans came first! One thing is there, you don’t keep monkey within yourself. … If we join all the rivers in India, then there will be lot of water supply. Due to water scarcity our farmers are facing lot of trouble. I have full hopes that this new government will do something for this. Birthdays…
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:06:03 +0000

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